Chapter 5: Unicorn

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I'm unbelievably tired and stressed today. I've finished work, and now on my way to pick up Jessica from Janet's. I should have had today off, but I've been busy with interviews all week, and hiring a nanny, which means I'm behind on my work. I'm now trying to catch up and get people to do their job properly, which is frustrating. Vanessa is finally moving in later, so after today things should start to get easier. I hope.

I park outside Janet's and knock on her front door. 5 seconds later she opens it with raised eyebrows when she sees me.

"Yes, I know." I sigh and make a face before she says anything. "I'm a bit later than I said I would be." I walk inside and look around for Jessica.

"When you told me you would be here at 6, I knew you wouldn't be." She shakes her head and shuts the front door.

"Yeah, well I got caught up. I've been working my ass off today, so don't start."

"I'm not!" She scoffs. "Jesus Michael, I've been looking after your daughter all day, so don't come in here and snap at me like that." She squints her eyes, sounding annoyed.

I rub my forehead, feeling my head pound.

"Anyway, I've heard you hired a nanny." She raises her eyebrows and folds her arms. "Why isn't she looking after Jessie?"

"Because she hasn't started working for me yet. She's moving in today actually, and starting tomorrow."

"When were you going to tell me?"

"I'm telling you now." I give her a look.

"Yeah, because I mentioned it." She gives me a look back.

"I literally hired her a few days ago." I sigh. "I've had too much time off work this week interviewing people, and now I'm behind on my work. I haven't told you because I haven't had a chance to. You know how busy I am."

"I know that." Janet rolls her eyes. "I just hope this person you've hired is good enough. It all sounds very rushed."

"Just because I need someone quickly doesn't mean I'm going to hire some random person who isn't up to the job." I give her a look. "The girl I hired was the best one I interviewed, and I've done checks on her. Do you really think I'd leave Jessie in the care of someone who isn't good enough?"

"No." Janet sighs. "I just worry about Jessie. You know I'd look after her all the time if I could."

"I know." I nod. "And you've done a lot since..." I pause and glance down, not wanting to finish my sentence, and then look back at her. "You've been there a lot." I say, changing what I was originally going to say. "But it's been 2 years, and you have your own life. Jessie isn't your responsibility."

Janet shows a little smile and there's a little pause of silence.

"Where's Jess?" I ask.

"She's in the kitchen colouring. We just finished dinner before you showed up."

"Thanks." I nod and show a little smile before I head towards the kitchen.

"Daddy!" Jessica smiles when she sees me walk in to the kitchen, and jumps down from her chair.

She runs over to me, and wraps her arms around my legs so hard that I almost stumble backwards.

"Woah, hey baby." I smile and give her a hug. "Have you been having fun with auntie Janet?"

"Yeah." She smiles and looks up at me. "Me and auntie Janet have been colouring. Look." She says, taking hold of my hand and leading me over to where she was sitting.

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