Chapter 7: Doll House

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"Hi, I'm Janet, Michael's sister." She smiles.

"Hi, I'm Vanessa." I smile.

"Uh, did Michael let you know I was coming over?" She furrows her eyebrows.

"Yeah, he said he'd be away for a few days, and that you were coming to check on things."

"Oh, good." She smiles again.

I step aside, letting her come in.

"How's your first day been?" She asks.

"It's been good." I smile. "It's been nice getting to know Jessica."

"Yeah." Janet smiles. "How's she been?"

"Great." I nod. "She's a little shy and quiet, but that's understandable."

"Once she's more comfortable she'll come out of her shell. She's a great kid. Where is she?"

"She's in the kitchen. We were just about to do her homework."

"Oh ok, well I won't keep you. I'll just see how she's doing." She smiles, and then we walk to the kitchen.

"Hey Jessie." Janet smiles.

Jessica quickly turns her head, and shows a big show when she sees her Auntie.

"Auntie Janet!" She jumps down from her chair, and quickly walks up to her.

Janet gives her a big hug, and then pulls away to look at her.

"How are you sweetie?"

"Good!" Jessica smiles.

"Wow, your hair looks pretty today." Janet says, feeling Jessica's braids.

"Ness done them." Jessica smiles, and then looks at me.

"They look good! Me and Michael can never do them this neatly." Janet chuckles. "Well, your dad can't do them at all really, can he?" Janet makes a face.

"Not really." Jessica laughs.

"I guess all them years of playing with my barbies hair paid off." I chuckle, and go check on the dinner.

Janet laughs softly.

"So, you've had a good day Jessie?" She asks.

"Yeah." Jessica smiles.

"And you've been good for Vanessa?"

"Yes." She nods.

"Good girl." Janet kisses her head.

"She's very well behaved." I smile.

"She is, most of the time." Janet smiles, and rubs Jessica's head.

"Colour with me!" Jessica says, sitting back at the table.

"I will in a second Jess. I just need to talk to Vanessa first." Janet smiles. "You start colouring though."

"Ok..." She says, picking up her crayons.

Janet walks over to me, and looks at the food I'm cooking.

"I hope you don't mind me coming, and checking in on things?"

"Oh, no. I don't mind at all." I shake my head.

"Michael would have kept an eye on things himself, but I guess you know now how busy he is."

"Yeah, it's fine. I understand." I smile.

"I hope he hasn't been too hard on you either? I know what he's like sometimes." She makes a face, and smiles.

"Ummm..." I raise my eyebrows, and show a little smile.

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