Chapter 17: More Than Ok

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I've near enough ran around this whole store like a crazy person, shouting Jessica's name. I'm starting to really worry. What if someone has taken her? I'm just thinking of the worst right now. I can't lose her... what if she's gone, and I'll never see her again? I'd have no one... Jessica is my life, and I would never forgive myself if something happens to her. I wish people would stop fucking looking at me like I'm mental. I see someone who works here, and I run over to them.

"Excuse me?!" I shout.

I'm heavy breathing now as well. She turns her head, and when she sees the state I'm in she frowns.

"I've lost my little girl." I frown. "She's 6 years old, she's about this high." I gesture her height with my hand. "She has long, curly, dark hair, um, she's wearing a pink jacket, and denim jeans."

"No, I'm sorry." She shakes her head. "I haven't seen a little girl wondering around, but I can see if security-"

"No! We need to search for her now! Someone could have taken her!" I shake my head, and quickly walk off.

"Sir!" She calls after me.

There's no time to be standing around!

"Jessie?!" I call out.

I look ahead, and I instantly sigh with relief when I see her at the other end of the shop. She's walking next to a big security guy, looking around and upset.

"Jessica!" I shout her name, and run over to her.

She looks so relieved when she sees me.

"Daddy!" She frowns.

I get on one knee, and grab her arms. I'm almost in tears because she just scared me to death, and I'm so glad to see her.

"What did I tell you?! I told you to stay by my side!"

"I'm sorry." She cries.

I sigh, and pull her in for a hug.

"Don't ever do that again!" I squeeze her gently.

I hold her hand before standing back up, and I rub my face, feeling all sorts of emotions.

"Thank you." I say, looking at the security man.

"That's ok. It happens." He smiles. "Jessica isn't the first little girl to get lost, and she won't be the last."

"Yeah." I sigh. "I'm just glad she's safe."

"You listen to your dad in future, ok?" He raises his eyebrows, and smiles at Jessie.

"Yes." She frowns, and rubs her eyes.

"Y'all take care." He nods, and walks off.

I sigh, and look down at her.

"Let's get you home, so I know where you are." I keep hold of her hand, and we leave the store quickly.

I've gone from panicking, to feeling relieved, to now angry. She shouldn't have gone off like that!

*Vanessa's POV*

I've just finished in the shower, and now I'm drying off my hair. I keep thinking about yesterday... I want to speak to Michael, and apologise again. I just hope he is in a better mood today.

I hear the front door bang, which causes me to stop what I'm doing.

"Go to your room, and think about what you've done today! You had me worried sick, Jessica! Did you want a stranger to take you away from me?! Because that's what could have happened today!"

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