Chapter 43: I Had A Date

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Ness looks even more beautiful under the sunset. The sky is now full of rich, red and orange tones, and she just looks incredible with the fire colours glowing down on her.

We make our way over to shore, and as we get closer I see Janet standing by the sea, playing with Jessie. Janet turns her head and takes a double look when she spots me and Ness appear from the sea.

"I was looking for you two, but I couldn't see you." She lowers her eyebrows.

"We just went for a swim." I smile and look away from her inquisitive stare, pushing back my wet hair.

"Oh..." Janet nods. "Did you swim far? Only I couldn't see you out there."

"Janet, there's a lot of people in the sea." I laugh softly. "You probably just missed us."

There's not that many people now the day is over and the sun is starting to set... the beach is actually almost empty.

"Mmm..." She raises an eyebrow and smiles at Ness.

Ness smiles awkwardly and looks down.

"Daddy, look! Me and auntie Janet wrote our names in the sand." Jessie smiles, holding up a stick she used to write with.

"Aww, yeah." I raise my eyebrows and stroke her head.

"Write your name before the sea washes it away."

"Ok." I laugh softly and take the stick from her.

I kneel down, writing my name next to Jessie's, and then I draw a little love heart above our names.

"Ness, write your name too." Jessie smiles, shaking her arm.

Ness smiles, and kneels next to me taking the stick from my hand. I watch her as she begins to write her name next to mine. Janet folds her arms with a smug look as she watches us.

Janet Jessica Michael Vanessa

I glance up at Janet and she raises an eyebrow at me. Vanessa suddenly gasps, making us look at her.

"Oh my God, Jessie, look!" She says pointing behind her.

"What?!" Jessie quickly turns her head in the direction Ness is pointing, and then gasps. "Sebastian!"

I lower my eyebrows.

"Seba- oh... a crab." I chuckle and roll my eyes.

Jessie runs over to it, and Ness quickly follows her. I watch them both kneel down as they examine it, and I smile at how intrigued and excited Jessie is.

"Auntie Janet, daddy, come look!" Jessie calls.

Me and Janet do as we're told, and stand looking down at the crab.

"Can I take it home with us?" Jessie asks.

"I knew that was coming." Janet giggles.

"Um, no." I laugh softly.

"Oooh, why?" Jessie frowns.

"Because this is it's home."

"But we can give it a new home."

"How would you like it if a stranger came along and said they could give you a new home?" I raise an eyebrow.

"But... it's all alone..." Jessie says quietly.

"No, it's family are here some where." Ness smiles.

"Yeah, and you don't want to take him or her away from it's family, do you?" Janet shows a soft smile.

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