Chapter 22: Popsicles

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"Ness!" I hear Jessica say excitedly.

Her little hand shakes my arm.


I screw my face up, and moan from just being woken up.


"My daddy is making pancakes, and then I'm going in the swimming pool."

"Oh..." I croak, slowly opening one eye.

I instantly have flashbacks of her daddy fucking me.

"Come with me!" She smiles.

"Ok... give me a few minutes." I mumble, closing my eye.

"Ok!" She turns around, and runs out of my room.

Damn, she's loud this morning, or maybe it's because of my hangover, and the fact that I've hardly had any sleep. What is the time? I roll over, and pick up my phone. I frown, seeing it's 9AM.

I lay on my back, and rub my face. I'm still in my dress from last night... I can't believe what happened, or did I dream all that? One minute Michael was pissed off, and the next we were all over each other. He was so mad though, which is understandable. At one point I thought he was going to hit Ray.

Seeing Michael that angry actually turned me on... it was a bad situation, but I couldn't help it. He looked so sexy throwing Ray out like that. Don't get me wrong, he scares me a bit when he's pissed, but it's also sexy as fuck.

I remember coming on to Michael first. I can be bold when I'm drunk, and that I definitely was. It was a combination of the alcohol, me feeling horny, and the sexual tension between me and Michael has been building up for so long, it finally exploded.

It was the best sex I've ever had.

No man has ever made me that wet, or cum that quickly before. I've always been that girl who takes a while to cum, but damn, Michael made me cum in seconds. He didn't just make me cum though, he made me cum on his dick. I've never been able to cum through penetration... I didn't think that was ever possible for me, but he proved it is. I'm getting horny just thinking about it.

Don't even get me started on his penis. It was perfect. I was surprised at how big it was, which I knew it would be, but seeing it in person was so much better than I imagined.

I wonder if I'm the first person Michael has been intimate with since his wife? I'm not sure because he was doing all the right things last night. Damn, what if I was the first person? That's two whole years without being touched, and without having sex. He must have been craving it as much as me.

Thinking about all this makes me want to fuck him again. I loved the feeling of his body, and his hands all over me. I think both of us really needed it, and it was inevitable. We're clearly attracted to each other, so it was going to happen sooner or later.

I think things are going to be slightly awkward when we see each other. Now I'm sober, and thinking back on it all, that's what I'm worried about. I don't want it to be weird and awkward, but it definitely will be at first. I mean, it felt a bit awkward straight after we fucked... I don't regret what happened, and I hope Michael doesn't either...


That felt fucking incredible. He made me feel so good.

Michael rests his forehead on my shoulder, while he stills inside of me. We're both breathing like crazy. I stroke my hand up the back of his neck, and nuzzle my face in to his curls.

"I'll get you some tissue." He says through his quick breathing, as he takes himself out of me.

I bite my lip and watch him pull up his jeans and boxers. He looks at me as he does his belt, and then walks over to the door. I take a deep breath, and run my hand through my hair. I feel really hot, and dazed after the sex we just had. I'm still coming down from the strong orgasm he gave me.

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