Chapter 29: Don't Make Me Wait

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Vanessa strokes the back of my neck with her manicured fingernails, and pulls her lips from mine, smiling seductively. I bite my lip and look down at her body as I rub my hands down the sides of her thighs. These jeans fit her perfectly. She places her hand on my cheek and starts kissing along my jaw, until her lips meet my ear.

"I need to use the restroom."

She can't leave me horny like this. What about my boner?! I stare in to her eyes and she smiles, brushing some curls away from my face gently.

"Will you have another drink with me when I come back?"

"I think I'm gonna go." I shake my head.

"Oh." She lowers her eyebrows.

"I'm really drunk." I laugh softly.

She giggles.

"Well, will you wait up for me? We can have a drink at yours?"

"I'll wait up for you." I nod and lick my lips.

She smiles and rubs her lipstick off my lips with her thumb.

"Just don't be too long because I'd rather fuck you than have a wank."

She raises her eyebrows and smirks.

"So, that's what's gonna happen huh? You wanna fuck me?"

"Unless you don't want me to? But you giving me them blowjob eyes tells me you do. We both know we're gonna fuck the shit out of each other." I show a sly smile.

She laughs and bites her lip.

"You're right. I want you to fuck me. Hard." She says seductively.

"Then don't make me wait." I say, giving her a serious look.

She grins and looks me up and down.

"I'll see you soon." She says, rubbing my bulge before slowly stepping to the side, taking her body away from mine.

This woman.

I look her up and down as she walks off and glances back at me. She's gonna get it.

I take a few big gulps of my beer, finishing it, and then make my way back over to my table once I've calmed down and my boner is less obvious, but let's face it; my dick is always obvious. There's no hiding that.

I pick up my suit jacket that's hanging on the back of the chair, and hold it in such a way that it's covering my boner.

"You've got Vanessa's lipstick on your cheek." Brad smirks before sipping his drink.

I give him a look and wipe my cheek.

"What?" Andy lowers his eyebrows. "But, Vanessa has a boyfriend."

I roll my eyes.

"Didn't you see them all over each other at the bar?" Brad laughs.

"No?" Andy makes a face.

"You told me I didn't know what professionalism meant, but what I just saw wasn't very professional between you and your nanny, Mike." Brad gives me a look and smiles.

I give him a look and cock my head to the side.

"You know what Brad? You're fired."

"What?!" He makes a face and laughs. "I was only joking around! I didn't-"

"You're fired."

"B-but I-"

"Jobs gone."

He sits there looking stupid with his mouth open. I shake my head and go to walk off, but stop and look at Andy.

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