Chapter 16: I Hate Shopping

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Jessica is sat with her head down, kicking her legs back and forth.

"Jessica?" I frown, walking over to her.

She looks up, and striaght away I can tell she's been crying. She looks like she's about to burst in to tears when she sees me.

"Hey." I say softly, and hug her.

She starts crying a little bit, and I pull back to look at her.

"What's happened?" I frown.

She doesn't answer me, and wipes her eyes as she tries to catch her breath.

"Hey, it's ok." I say, stroking her head.

Poor Jessica. She's in a real state. Mrs Frank hasn't said anything yet because she wants to wait for Michael. I'm not sure how long it will take him to get here though. He isn't going to be happy having to leave work... I sit with Jessica, and try to comfort her while we wait for Michael. She's really upset and hasn't said a word...

20 minutes later, Michael arrives. He looks worried and stressed out. Mrs Frank walks straight over to him, and then they walk over to us. Michael frowns when he sees Jessica so upset.

"Hey, what's happened?" He says, stroking her cheek, and hugging her.

She sniffs, and wipes her eyes, keeping quiet. Michael rubs her head, and then sits next to her.

"Jessica had a fight with Daisy today." Mrs Frank says.

I widen my eyes.

"A fight?!" Michael makes a face. "Why?"

"Jessica told me Daisy has been bullying her."

Michael frowns, and looks like he can't believe it. He had no idea what was going on...

"Now that's come to our attention, we are doing something about it, however Jessica has never been in trouble before, especially over something like this. That's why I thought it was important to get you to come in, so we can discuss Jessica's behaviour, and the bullying that's been happening."

"Jessica's behaviour?" Michael lowers his eyebrows. "The reason why she lashed out was because she was being bullied."

"Yes, I understand that." Mrs Frank nods. "Usually Jessica is very quiet, and doesn't interact much with the class, or with the other students, but we've seen a change in her recently. A good change." She smiles. "She's really come out of her shell in the last week, and that's been really nice to see, but we don't tolerate bullying or violence here."

"I was just standing up for myself." Jessica mumbles.

Oh, fuck. I feel like this is my fault...

"You should have told me, or told the teacher." Michael frowns.

Jessica stays quiet, and looks down.

"What actually happened?" Michael asks Mrs Frank.

"There was some pushing, and I caught Jessica pulling Daisy's hair."

"Daisy was calling me names! She always says I'm weird because im quiet, and then everyone else laughs at me." Jessica frowns.

Michael looks mad now...

"I hope Daisy is going to be punished for this. She's been bullying my daughter! Why am I being called in, and not Daisy's parents? Where are they?"

"I have already spoken to Daisy, and her parents, so rest assured Mr. Jackson, we are not tolerating Daisy's behaviour either. From now on we will be keeping a close eye on things, and we will make sure Jessica isn't bullied any more."

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