Chapter 2: The Best Of A Bad Bunch

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I slowly blink open my eyes, waking up. I look down and see Jessica asleep in my arms with her head against my chest. I don't remember her getting in bed with me last night? I must have been in a deep sleep. I turn my head to look over at my alarm and see I've woken up late. Great.

"Jessie." I shake her gently. "Wake up, it's time to get ready for school."

She moans and I quickly get off of the bed.

"You're gonna be late for school." I mumble to myself. "Shit!"

"Shit?" She says sitting up and rubbing her eyes.

"That's a bad word. Don't repeat that." I give her a look.

She yawns and stares at me.

"Come on, get your little butt moving!" I clap my hands. "Go brush your teeth and get dressed."

She sighs and slides down off of my bed. I place my hand on her head and we walk out of my room.

"Remember to brush your teeth before getting dressed. I don't have time to be cleaning toothpaste off your clothes, ok?"

"Yes..." She groans.

"Be quick." I say, quickly stepping down the stairs.

I make her breakfast and then rush around, grabbing her backpack. I take out her lunch box and start making some sandwiches.

"Jessie! Come eat your breakfast!" I shout out.

A couple minutes later she comes walking in to the kitchen and sits down to eat her cereal.

"Daddy, can you plait my hair?"

"There's not enough time for that. Finish your breakfast." I quickly finish her packed lunch and put it in her backpack.

"But auntie Janet-"

"Jessie, I said I haven't got time. You're going to be late."

She frowns and looks back at her cereal. I rush upstairs and grab her hairbrush and a headband.

"Here, what about this? I'll compromise." I say slightly out of breath now after running around and I show her the red headband.

She shrugs, and I quickly and carefully brush through her hair before placing on the headband.

"There. Beautiful." I kiss her head. "Go put your shoes on."

She sighs and jumps down from the chair and walks out of the kitchen. I grab her backpack and go after her, but I see she isn't sitting on the stairs where she would usually be putting her shoes on. I hear the TV being turned on. I sigh and widen my eyes.

"Jessica!" I call out as I pick up her shoes.

I make my way to the living room and see her sat on the sofa.

"Did I say go to the living room and watch TV?" I take the remote and turn it off.


"No. I told you to put your shoes on." I give her a look and kneel down, quickly putting them on for her.

I stand up and hold out my hand.

"Let's go."

She takes my hand and I walk her to the front door and we leave. I haven't had time to even change this morning. My hair is a mess and I'm still in the same clothes I wore yesterday, but that doesn't matter. No one is going to see me in the car.

I finally get her to school, arriving just over 10 minutes late.

"Have a good day Jessie." I put my arm around her and kiss her cheek.

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