Chapter 37: A Better Apology

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"Thanks for not throwing it away!" Vanessa calls after me.

I scoff and shake my head. You're fucking welcome. If you want to text a dick head then go ahead. I don't care.

I go upstairs and quietly check in on Jessie. I see she's fast asleep so I make my way to my bedroom.

I sit on the end of my bed and take in a deep breath before laying back and closing my eyes.

*Vanessa's POV*

I don't understand him? This number is none of his business anyway. I grab the napkin and screw it up in anger before throwing it in the bin.

I leave the kitchen and go upstairs, going straight in to my room. I pull my clothes off while cursing to myself. I actually managed to cool down a little bit when I left earlier, but now he's got me angry as fuck again.

I pull on my oversized night shirt and get in to bed, staring up at the ceiling. All I can think about is how rude Michael has been. I thought we got past him taking his stress out on me? I guess not.

*Michael's POV*

I sit up and frown. I feel terrible. I shouldn't have gone off at her like that. I just feel so strongly for her... but I'm not handling it very well. I was annoyed she didn't tell me she was taking Jessie out, and I was worried about her and Jessie's wellbeing... Ness said she's fine to drive again, so I should just accept that. Only she knows how she feels, and I realise I just need to calm down.

Part of me is being a dick because I'm scared of my feelings for Ness, and for some stupid reason I think that if I behave like this then my feelings might stop and go away... but I know they won't. I already like her too much from them to stop. Being rude and nasty to her isn't the right way to go about it. I feel like such a dick. I need to go and apologise to her.

I start thinking about the napkin with Ray's number on it and I start feeling jealous again. Shit, what if she's texting him now? What if I've actually pushed her in to talking to him? He's no good for her, and I hate the thought of her speaking to him. She's too good for him.

I stand up and leave my room to go talk to Ness. I just hope she's not too upset and accepts my apology...

*Vanessa's POV*

I lay on my side and take a deep breath in as I close my eyes. I'm too annoyed and agitated to get comfortable or even try to sleep.

I hear two soft knocks on my door and open my eyes. I lean up on my elbow and turn to look at my bedroom door. That can't be Jessie because she usually just comes straight in... I guess Michael has come to apologise. What a surprise. Took him long enough this time. Or maybe he's come to fire me? For a second I contemplate getting up and opening the door, but I kind of want to see him grovel. I sigh and get off the bed.

I open the door, now face to face with a rather remorseful, sexy looking Michael.

I open the door, now face to face with a rather remorseful, sexy looking Michael

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