Chapter 6: It's A Beautiful Name

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I didn't sleep very well last night. The bed is really comfortable though, and much better than my bed at home. I just felt bad for showing up late, and Michael was pretty angry. I thought he was going to fire me before I even started. If he let me explain then maybe he would've understood, but he doesn't want to hear excuses, which I get. I just shouldn't have been late, so I really need to stop pissing him off from now on.

I was busy running around all day yesterday, to make sure my mom had everything she needed before I left. I got her and Ashton a full grocery shop, I picked up more of my mom's medication, I was on the phone for hours, sorting out carers to start this week, I had to pack the last of my stuff, I explained to Ashton how he would have to help mom a bit more when I'm not there, and then I said my goodbyes to them both. It wasn't easy leaving them, but I'm doing this so my mom gets the care she needs. It's going to be strange being away from them, but I'm going to try my best to see them most days.

I get out of bed, and walk in to the ensuite. I look around the bathroom, and then turn on the shower. It's going to take some time until I feel comfortable here. I need to get used to the fact that this is where I live now.

After getting ready I leave the bedroom, and make my way to Jessica's room. I'm guessing Michael has gone to work already? I hope he has, because it will be awkward seeing him this morning after last night.

"Jessica?" I say softly, and knock on her bedroom door.

The door was already open slightly, so I push it slowly, and step in to her room. I see her laying in bed, and she turns to look at me.

"Good morning." I smile. "Do you want to help me make breakfast?"

"Ok..." She says quietly, and sits up.

I watch her get out of bed, and then we make our way to the kitchen. I see Michael has left a copy of my contract on the table, and he's left me a note. It just says Jessica's lunch is in the fridge.

"So." I smile, and look at Jessica who is sat at the table. "I remember reading scrambled egg on toast is one of your favourites. Would you like that for breakfast?"

She nods. I can tell she is still quite shy, which is understandable. I'm a stranger, making her breakfast... Now I've got to find where everything is around this big kitchen.

I open the fridge, and widen my eyes seeing how much food there is. Well, I definitely won't go hungry here. I take out a couple of eggs, and some orange juice. I look through the cupboards, and find the one with all the mugs, and glasses. I pour Jessica a glass of orange juice, and then find where the loaf of bread is kept. Now I just need to find a pan... I look through more cupboards, but I'm not having much luck. Where does he keep all the pans?! I turn around, and see Jessica by one of the cupboards. She opens it, and takes out a pan. Thank God.

"Thanks Jessie. This is why I need your help." I laugh softly, and take the pan from her.

She shows a little smile, and runs back to her seat. It doesn't take me long to make her breakfast in the end, and while she eats it I take her lunch out of the fridge.

"How is it?" I smile, looking over at her.

I'm surprised to see she has almost finished it already.

"It's good." She nods.

"Probably not as good as your dad makes?"

"He doesn't have time to make scrambled eggs." She shakes her head.

"Oh..." I make a face.

She eats the last of her food, and then drinks her orange juice. I'm glad she liked it, but then you can't really go wrong with scrambled egg on toast. I smile, and pick up her empty plate.

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