Chapter 20: Makeover

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I pick up my eyeshadow pallet and hold it out to Jessie.

"Which colour would you like?"

"Ummmm..." She raises her eyebrows, looking over the different colours. "That one." She says, pointing to the purple colour.

"Nice." I smile, and put the colour on to my eyeshadow brush.

She closes her eyes, and I carefully apply it to her eyelids. I pick up the blusher brush, and dab a little bit of pink on to her cheeks.

"I want this colour on my lips." She says, picking up my red lipstick.

"Your look is very bold!" I smile. "Pout your lips."

She smiles as she pouts, and I apply the colour to her lips.

"Oooh, I want the flicks too!" She smiles.

"Oh, yeah. Can't forget the flicks. I'll try my best, but my hand isn't the steadiest."

I pick up my eyeliner, and carefully make little wings on her eyelids.

"Ready to see your makeover?" I smile.

"Yeah!" She grins excitedly, and claps her hands.

I pick up the little mirror, and hold it up to her face. She gasps, and turns her head side to side slightly, examining the makeup.

"It looks so good!" She squeals. "Thank you Ness."

"That's ok." I laugh softly. "You look beautiful!"

"Now it's your turn!" She smiles, and grabs the eyeshadow pallet.

Oh no.

"Pick a colour." She smiles.

I shake my head.

"You're the artist. I'll let you decide." I smile. "Surprise me!"

"Ok!" She giggles, and looks at the colours. "Ummmm..."

By the end of this, I'm going to look like the picture she drew of me the other day.

I close my eyes, and let her do her thing. She's going mental with the blush... I'm getting clown vibes.

She takes about 10 minutes, and then puts down the makeup brushes.

"Oh!" She gasps. "I almost forgot the lipstick!"

I was hoping she would...

She picks up the red lipstick, and puts it on my lips, but she applies it like she's colouring a picture or something. I feel like I'm her colouring book.

"There!" She smiles, looking at my makeup.

She picks up the mirror, and I take it from her, looking at the masterpiece she just created.

"Wow..." I raise my eyebrows.

Yellow eyeshade, bright pink cheeks, and red lipstick. The lipstick is smudged on to my skin too. What a look. I thought hers was bold! She's also tried to do the eyeliner... I try not to laugh because instead of flicks, they're more like curls, and they go right up towards my eyebrows.

"Do you like it?" She asks excitedly.

"Yeah!" I widen my eyes, and smile. "I love it. It's very colourful."

"You look pretty." She smiles.

"Thank you Jessie." I chuckle. "Do you want me to paint your nails now?"

"Yeah!" She smiles. "I want a different colour on each nail, please."

"Yes ma'am." I nod.

She places her hands on the table, and I take out the nail varnish, starting with pink first.

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