Chapter 8: Sunshine Song

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I can't believe it's almost Friday already! This week has gone so fast, and it's been a really good week too. I've enjoyed my first week living here, and being Jessica's nanny. It's been fun. I feel like now she's a lot more comfortable with me, and we have got to know each other a lot in just 4 days. So far, so good.

I've cleaned up the house, and now I'm going to bake some brownies, and chocolate chip cookies. I'll surprise Jessica with them later, after I pick her up from ballet.

I noticed Michael has a really good sound system in the living room. I connect my phone to it, so I can listen to some music while I bake. I put my playlist on shuffle, and now I'm in my element. Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody, blasts out of the speakers.

*15 minutes later*

I'm having a blast baking, singing, and dancing around this kitchen! The sound system is just, insanely good! I finish singing along to David Bowie - Starman, and then on comes 'Do You Love Me' by The Contours. My playlist is very random. I was obsessed with this song, and the whole soundtrack, after I watched Dirty Dancing.

"Do you love me? Do you love me? Now do you love me? Do you love me, nooow that I can daaaaaaaance? Watch me now, hey!" I sing, and move my hips, while I mix the brownie mixture in the bowl.

This is thirsty work. I dance my way over to the fridge, and open it, looking for a can of Pepsi.

"Work, work, ah, work it out baby. Work, work, well, you driving me crazy. Work, work, ah, just a little bit of soul, now, work." I clap, and continue to sing.

I grab the can of Pepsi, and then shut the fridge, beginning to do dance moves to the song.

"I can mash-potato, and I can do the twist." I start doing the twist, and then begin to roll my body, and hips, turning around slowly. "Now tell me baby, mmm, do you like it like-" I stop singing, and gasp, jumping out of my skin, when I see Michael.

"Oh my god!" I shout, and put my hand on my chest. "Shit!" My heart is pounding!

I feel so embarrassed! My whole body goes hot, and I feel my cheeks go completely red. Michael actually cracks a smile, and laughs a little bit.

"I hope you haven't sworn like that around Jessica?"

"No, sorry." I breathe out, and let out a little laugh. "You just scared the hell out of me."

He was just standing there, with dark shades on, and a straight face! He fucking surprised me, that's for sure! My heart is racing, but I mainly feel embarrassed... I mean, how much of that did he see?! I quickly grab my phone, and turn off the music.

"Uh... how much of that did you see?" I make a face, and tuck my hair behind my ears, letting out an awkward laugh.

"Enough." He smiles, and takes off his dark sunglasses.

Oh... well, damn. I thought I was a pretty good dancer? I avoid looking at him, and walk back over to the brownies I'm baking.

"I see you're making yourself at home." He says, looking around the kitchen.

I clear my throat, and lick my lips.

"I've uh, been baking brownies and cookies." I say, pouring out the brownie mixture in to a baking tin. "I'll clean up the mess..."

Michael nods, and watches me.

"Is that what I can smell?" He asks.

"Yeah, the cookies are in the oven. They should be ready in a second."

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