Chapter 33: The Edge

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Michael stands in the doorway and looks at Jessie laying next to me.

"Jess, go brush your teeth. It's bedtime."

"Ok." She yawns. "Goodnight Ness."

"Goodnight." I smile and hug her.

She slides off the bed and Michael rubs her head as she walks past him.

"Sorry. She hasn't left your side all evening."

"That's ok, I don't mind." I smile and sit up.

Michael nods and rubs the back of his neck.

"I'm making tea, if you want any?"

"Yeah, that would be nice. Thank you."

"I'll put Jessie to bed and I'll bring it up to you."

"Ok." I smile.

He shows a little smile and walks off.

"You better be brushing your teeth Jessica!" Michael calls out.

"I am!" She shouts back.

I giggle and look at the flowers Michael got me. I can't stop looking at them. No one has ever got me flowers before, and they're so beautiful. I like the fact that Michael suggested getting them. That means a lot.

I stand up and slowly stretch out my arms and legs. I take out an oversized black t-shirt for bed and walk in to the bathroom to use the toilet and to get changed.

I sit back on the bed and cover my legs with the bed sheets before flicking through the TV channels.

20 minutes later Michael comes back, holding a cup of tea. He walks over to my bed and places it down on my bedside cabinet.

"Thank you." I smile.

"That's ok." He licks his lips and glances over at the TV.

"Are you going back to your office?" I ask, making him look back at me.

"I was going to do some more work tonight." He nods. "Catch up on some things."

"Oh, ok." I tuck my hair behind my ear.

He stares at me and puts his hands in his trouser pockets. I love it when he does that.

"Why?" He asks.

"No reason." I shrug gently and look away from his stare, fixing my eyes on the TV.

"Ok..." He smiles slowly. "You know where I am if you need me." He turns around, but I stop him.

"You're going now?"

He looks back at me.

"I mean, you're going straight back to work now?"

"Yeah..." He nods.

"Can you stay for a little while? We can talk." I smile slowly.

He raises his eyebrows and nods.

"Uh... yeah, ok." He smiles.

*Michael's POV*

I'm surprised she wants us to talk. What does she want to talk about? Vanessa turns the TV down and I sit on the end of the bed.

Her eyes meet mine and she shows a little smile.

"We haven't talked much in the last couple of weeks."

"I know." I nod and look down.

"I know we agreed to stop being intimate, but I thought we also agreed that we would still talk to each other."

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