Chapter 21: It's Hard Not To Look At You

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I close my laptop and sit back in my chair, stretching out my arms. I've been working since I put Jessie to bed, and now I've had enough and just want to sleep. I yawn and leave my office, shutting the door behind me.

I'm just about to walk to my bedroom, but I stop when I hear noises down stairs. I hear laughing, and then I hear a mans voice. What the hell? I lower my eyebrows and walk towards the stairs, listening carefully. I hear the guys voice again, and I lock my jaw feeling pissed off. I can't believe Vanessa... I sigh and make my way downstairs.

I walk through the house feeling angry, and as I get closer to the kitchen I hear them more clearly.

"I missed you Ness... I really liked you, I still like you."

"Ray... we haven't spoke in months, and now you say all this."

"I know, but I'm telling you how I feel. I still think about you."

"You're saying this because you're drunk." She laughs.

"People speak the truth when they're drunk. We should have gave things a proper go."

I'm standing in the kitchen now, and see a tall guy, with short brown hair, standing in front of Vanessa, holding her arm.

"What's going on?" I say sternly, feeling my blood boil.

They both turn their heads and look at me. Vanessa instantly looks regretful and worried as she takes her arm away from him.

"I'm Vanessa's friend, she was-"

I cut him off.

"It's 3 in the fucking morning, and my daughter is upstairs asleep." I make a face.

"I've called a taxi and it's on it's way." He gulps.

"What are you doing, bringing random guys back?" I give Vanessa a look. "Have you forgot this is my home?"

"No." She frowns. "I'm sorry, but Ray just wanted to wait for his taxi, so-"

"I don't give a fuck! You come back here with a stranger, and make a load of noise, when you know the rules." I scoff. "It's rude and disrespectful."

"Don't blame Ness, this is my fault." Ray gives me a look and shakes his head.

"Just get the hell out." I make a face.

"Dude..." He laughs. "Will you calm down?"

"Calm down?" I raise my eyebrows. "This is me being calm right now. If you don't get out, I'll call the police."

He laughs and gives me a look.


"Do I look like I'm fucking joking?" I lower my eyebrows.

"Ray..." Vanessa says quietly. "Just go..."

"Alright... but maybe you should come back with me? This guy has some serious anger-"

"That's it." I shake my head and walk over to him, grabbing his arm. "You're really pissing me off now."

"What the hell?! Get off me!" He says, trying to pull his arm away from me. "I was leaving!"

"Damn right you are." I warned.

Vanessa quickly follows behind, as I pull him to the front door. I open it and throw him out.

"Damn!" He shouts. "You really didn't have to do that."

"Just get your drunk ass off my property." I glare at him before shutting the door.

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