Chapter 40: Pixie

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I can't believe how many messages I've had from guys since creating my dating profile... I only signed up a couple of days ago, and already I have over 20 messages... I've read a couple of them, but I haven't replied to any... not yet anyway. Some of them are really weird and cringey... these are just some of the weird messages I've received:

- If I were a watermelon, would you spit or swallow my seeds?

- Sit on my face and I'll eat my way to your heart.

- Do you work at build-a-bear? Cause I'd stuff you.

- Is your middle name Gillette? Because you are the best a man can get.

- Is your name Google? Because you've got everything I'm searching for.

- Wouldn't we look cute on a wedding cake together?

Like, what the fuck?! What are these guys thinking? Why the hell did I sign up to this? I'm starting to regret making an account, and I'm close to deleting it. This just reminds me of why I don't do online dating. Why are there so many creepy, weird men? Do they actually think a woman would reply to their strange messages? I suppose someone really desperate might... I roll my eyes, and sign out of my account... for now.

I take a shower, and once I'm ready I put on a white vest top, and denim shorts over my bikini. I leave my bedroom, and from the top of the stairs I hear Jessie running around and singing downstairs.

"Beeeach day, beeeach day, today we're going to the beeeaach!"

I smile to myself hearing how excited she is. When I get to the bottom of the stairs I see her running out from the kitchen and up the hall.

"We're going to the beeeach!" She grins.

She looks so cute in her red summer dress, and the denim jacket I bought her.

"Ness!" She shouts, running up to me. "Are you ready to go?"

"Yeah." I laugh softly and stroke her head. "Are you? You don't seem very excited..." I say sarcastically with a little smirk.

"I am!" She widens her eyes and jumps up and down. "Can you braid my hair before we go, please?"

"Of course I can." I smile.

She smiles widely, and I follow her in to the kitchen.

I see the back of Michael standing at the Island, making some food. He's wearing a white t-shirt, and black trousers. My eyes wonder along his broad shoulders, and sexy back, slowly tracing down to his peachy bum, and sexy legs. I bite my lip, and look him up and down once more.

"Oh damn, I need to get my hairbrush!" Jessie moans.

Michael quickly whips his head round, raising his eyebrows.

"Jessica! Don't say that." He scolds.

"Oops. Sorry daddy." She makes a face and giggles before running out of the kitchen.

Michael shakes his head and looks at me. I laugh softly and tuck my hair behind my ear.

"Morning." He smiles slowly, quickly checking me out before looking back at the food.

"Morning." I say quietly.

I've hardly seen him this week, and I'm feeling all nervous. The butterflies in my stomach are going crazy. I clear my throat, and lick my lips that have suddenly become dry.

"You uh, don't mind me coming to the beach with you today, do you?"

He turns his head, looking at me again.

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