Chapter 46: What Are We Doing?

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"So, Vanessa, is it?" Michael asks, putting down his menu.

"Um..." I raise an eyebrow and laugh. "Yes?"

"We're on a date, so I thought we could start fresh."

"Like, pretend we don't know each other?" I smirk.

"Yeah." He laughs softly.

"Ok, Ronald." I nod.

"I see you have a sense of humor. I like that." He smiles. "But, I'm Michael."

"Oh, sorry." I giggle.

"What's your full name?" He raises an eyebrow.

I give him a look. He's doing this on purpose now because he knows I don't like my middle name.

"Vanessa Rita Adam's."

"Oh." He makes a face. "Sounds a bit... old?"

"Ha ha, you're a funny guy Michael." I smirk. "But, I don't like being insulted by a man I've just met."

"I'm sorry." He laughs. "Go ahead and tell me more about yourself."

I raise an eyebrow and smile.

"Ok... well, I'm 22."

"Mmm." He smiles, biting his lip.

"And you're?"

"I'm 27."

"Great." I smirk. "Not that old just yet."

He gives me a look, making me giggle.

"What do you do?"

"I'm a nanny."

"A nanny?" He grins.

"Yeah, I look after this sweet little girl." I smile. "It's the best job I've ever had, but... her dad is an asshole, and makes my job difficult sometimes."

Michael rolls his eyes and smiles before shaking his head. I giggle and then bite my lip.

"But, he can also be the most kind, caring, and sweet man... it just depends if he's in a good mood or not."

Michael shows a warm smile and licks his lips.

"He's also very handsome." I smile, looking him up and down.

"He sounds like a great guy." Michael smirks.

"I think he is." I nod, staring in to his eyes.

There's a little pause of silence between us as we get lost in each others eyes.

"I'm sorry, what is it you do?" I ask, clearing my throat.

"I'm a consultant." He smiles.

"Oh." I raise my eyebrows. "Sounds... boring."

"You're a rude lady Vanessa." Michael makes a face and then laughs.

"I can be a little direct sometimes." I smirk.

Michael shows a little smile and looks down.

"I deserve it. I spoke to you like shit last week."

Yep. You did. I tuck my hair behind my ear and stare at him as he continues.

"I'm sorry." He says softly, looking back in to my eyes. "And I really didn't mean it when I said we aren't best friends, because you are my friend, and you've been a really great friend. I haven't had someone to talk to in a long time, and you've been there, even when I've been a dick head. I've already told you this, but your help, and you being there, means so much more than you know... but I probably haven't shown you that much."

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