Chapter 25: How the Brain Works

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I place down Michael's sandwich in front of him, and his big, bambi eyes look up at me.

"Thank you." He says quietly.

I sit opposite him, and we begin to eat in silence. Turns out he wanted a sandwich after all, or maybe he just worked himself up an appetite...

I glance over at the island, thinking about what we just did. I cant believe we just done doggy style in here, and he had me over the island like that. It was so hot. I wasn't expecting him to come on to me like that, and so quickly too. I thought he was in a bad mood... maybe part of his mood was because he'd been waiting to fuck me again? I know I've been craving it since the last time we fucked, so he must've been too. I can't believe he made me cum on his dick again. It was so good, and much more rough than the first time.

We continue to eat in silence, and glance at each other now and again. It's a bit awkward... neither of us are saying anything, and I'm not quite sure what to say anyway.

"How's your headache?" Is all that comes to mind...

Michael looks at me, and shows a little smile as he swallows his food.

"It's gone." He says, licking his lips.

I smile slowly, feeling myself blush, and look down at my sandwich.

"That's good." I say quietly.

I take a bite of my sandwich, and chew slowly.

"How have you been the last couple of days?" He asks.

I look at him, and see him staring at me.

"Ok." I say, swallowing my food before I answer.

I would ask how he's been, but I got my answer earlier when he snapped at me.

"And Jessie?"

"She's been fine." I nod. "Although, she had a nightmare last night."

"She did?" Michael frowns.

"She came in to my room, and wanted to sleep with me. I comforted her, and she fell straight back to sleep."

"Thanks." Michael shows a little smile. "She hasn't had a nightmare in a while."

I nod slowly.

"I asked what she dreamed about, and she said she dreamed that you left her... that you died."

"Oh..." Michael frowns.

"It must worry her..."

"What do you mean?" He lowers his eyebrows. "Has she had these dreams about me before? Has she said anything to you?"

"No." I shake my head. "This is the first time. I just mean she's lost one parent, and she might worry that she's going to lose you too... subconsciously maybe? It would be natural for anyone to think like that, especially children."

Michael nods, and looks down.

"I don't like the thought of her having these nightmares. A child shouldn't be dreaming of death... a child shouldn't have to see death in reality either..."

"I know." I frown.

Especially when it comes to their parents... poor Jessie having to go through losing her mom, and now she's having horrible dreams about her dad.

"I'll talk to her later." He says quietly.

I nod, and we go back to being silent as we eat. I should pick her up from school soon.


I clean up the bathroom after bathing Jessie, and go see if she's got in to her pyjamas yet. I stop when I see Michael laying on the bed, with Jessie wrapped up in his arms, and her head resting on his chest. He must have come out of his office while I was in the bathroom. I quickly step back, and listen in on them.

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