Chapter 48: A Little Note

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"Would you like some more tea?" Jessie asks, holding up her toy teapot.

"I thought you'd never ask! I'm sat here dying of thirst." I say, picking up my teacup.

"You should have said if you wanted more tea." Jessie says sternly as she pretends to pour it in to my cup.

"I shouldn't have to. I'm the guest." I smirk, and bring the cup to my lips.

Jessie sighs, and pretends to pour tea for her dolls.

"I'm hungry too. Where are the cupcakes at?"

"They're in the oven." Jessie makes a face. "They aren't ready yet!" She snaps.

"Ok!" I widen my eyes.

She looks at one of her dolls, and shakes her head.

"I know, just ignore him Zoe. My daddy has forgot his manners."

I raise my eyebrows and laugh.

"Oooh, no! Something is burning!" She says, running over to her toy kitchen. "The cupcakes are burnt!"

"Oh, that's just great." I roll my eyes. "I was looking forward to eating them."

"That's your fault!!!"

"How is it my fault?!"

"You distracted me."

"Actually, it's Zoe's fault." I raise an eyebrow. "She was distracting you by talking rubbish about me. I don't like her, and I think she should be kicked out of this tea party."

"No! Don't be mean to Zoe... she said she doesn't like you either."

"Oh, did she?" I scoff, raising my eyebrows. "Well, I'd like her to swap seats with Chloe. I don't wish to sit next to her."

Jessie sighs and stomps over to me. She picks Zoe and Chloe up, switching them around.

"Thank you." I nod.

"Chloe said she doesn't want to sit next to you."

"That bi- fine, then she can be kicked out of the tea party." I say, hitting Chloe with my hand, making her fall over. "All those in favour, raise your hand." I say, and me being the only one to raise my hand (obviously.)

"Daddy!" Jessie gasps, picking Chloe back up. "Stop being mean to my dolls."

"Alright." I laugh softly. "Zoe, Chloe, I'm deeply sorry."

"They said it's ok, and they are sorry too." Jessie smiles. "Now, everyone shut up and drink your tea."

"Yes ma'am." I nod.

She walks back over to the toy kitchen, and opens the oven, taking out the plastic cupcakes.

"Owch!" She says, dropping one on to the floor. "Shit!"

"Jessica!" I scold.

"Sorry! They are really hot." She giggles.

I give her a look.

"They've just come out of the oven; you need to be careful, and don't swear."

"Soorrryyy." She smiles, bringing the cupcakes over on a plate.

She puts the plate on the floor, and sits opposite me, cross-legged.

"Be careful daddy!" She says, watching me pick one up. "They're hot."

"You don't say?" I raise an eyebrow.

We both pretend to take a bite of the cupcakes.

"Mmmm, I love a burnt cupcake." I lick my lips, and make a face. "It's lovely."

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