Chapter 58: Gossip

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"You're what?!" Jack exclaims.

Jenny takes a deep breath, and coughs through her crying.

"Are you deaf? I said I'm pregnant!"

"But, how did that happen?" He makes a face.

"Oh my God." She rolls her eyes. "How do you fucking think?! Through sex! He stuck his dick, in to my vagina."

"Oh, really?!" Jack says sarcastically. "There's me thinking you were the virgin fucking Mary. I know that dummy! I meant aren't you on anything?"

"Ok, calm down guys." I make a face, and put my arm around Jenny to comfort her.

"I'm on the pill, but obviously it didn't work."

"You should've asked Ness what type of pill she's on." Jack smirks at me.

"Not now Jack." I give him a look.

"Well obviously not now! It's a bit too late for that. She's already pregnant." He laughs.

"This isn't a joke! This is serious! I finally found a guy I really like, and now it's all ruined. We've only been seeing each other for a few months..."

"You don't know that." I shake my head.

"Ness." She gives me a look. "He's gonna run a mile if I tell him I'm pregnant. We aren't even official yet!"

"What do you mean if?" Jack raises his eyebrows. "You have to tell him Jen."

"Yeah, you need to." I frown.

She moans, and takes a deep breath as she runs her hands through her hair.

"It's all fucked." She shakes her head.

"Are you a hundred percent sure you're up the duff?" Jack asks.

"Yes! I'm 6 days late, and I've done about 8 tests! They were all positive."

"Alright." He widens his eyes. "I'm just saying, you gotta be sure before you say anything."

"I don't know what I'm gonna do?" She cries.

"It's ok..." I rub her arm.

"I'd go grab my bottle of vodka to pour us a stiff drink, but... you're on soft drinks from now on." Jack makes a face.

"You just need to breathe, and calm down for a second, ok?"

Jenny nods, and starts to take some deep breaths.

"Do you wanna keep it?" Jack asks.

"Jack!" I give him a look.

"What?! We need to know what Jen is thinking."

"I don't know?" Jenny frowns. "I don't want to be a single parent..."

"Girl, you'll have us, and Ness has been a nanny before, so you've already got yourself a babysitter." Jack grins.

I roll my eyes and show a little smile.

"Listen Jen, this is what I think you should do." I say, taking her hands away from her face.

She sniffs, and looks at me with her watery eyes.

"I know this is unexpected, and you didn't plan this, but you have to seriously think about it. You need to speak to- uh... sorry, what's his name?"


"Jermaine." I nod. "You need to talk to Jermaaaa- wait, what?" I widen my eyes.

"Jermaine." She lowers her eyebrows.

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