Chapter 59: Our Future

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I wash my hands, and as I open the bathroom door I hear Jessie's voice from her bedroom.

"Goodnight Ness!"

"Goodnight Jessie." I smile.

I go downstairs and sit in the living room while Michael says goodnight to Jessie.

I hope Jen is ok. I take my phone out and send her a text. A few minutes later Michael walks in to the living room with Mr. Mittens following him. I smile, watching Mr. Mittens run over to the sofa. He jumps up, and rubs himself against me, and starts to pur when I stroke him.

"What are you doing after work Saturday?" Michael asks as he sits next to me.

"I'm seeing Ash. We're going to visit mom's grave and lay some flowers."

He shows a warm smile, and rubs my leg.

"Why?" I ask.

"I want you and Ashton to come here Saturday."

"Oh, why?" I raise an eyebrow and smirk.

"I've got Ash something." He smiles.

"What's that?" I lower my eyebrows.

"You'll see Saturday."

"Why can't you tell me?" I chuckle.

"Because I know you'll just tell me I shouldn't have bought it." He laughs.

"Oh my God. What is it? It wasn't expensive, was it?" I make a face.

Michael rolls his eyes and shakes his head.

"You'll just have to wait until Saturday."

I sigh and shake my head, showing a little smile.

"Don't worry, I haven't left my girl out." He smirks. "I've got you somethin too."

"Really?" I laugh softly. "What?"

"I'm not telling you." He raises his eyebrows with a soft chuckle before looking at the TV.

I give him a look, and watch him flick through the TV channels. I stay quiet for a little while, thinking of Jen, and a few other things that are on my mind.

"You ok?"

I hear Michael's soft voice, and take my eyes away from the TV, meeting his cute, curious eyes.

"Yeah." I nod.

"You're not still thinking about Lucy, are you?" He frowns.

"No." I make a face.

"Good." He shows a little smile.

We go back to watching the TV, and I pick my phone up to check if Jen has text me back, but she hasn't yet. I feel Michael glancing over at me while I look at my phone.

"We can watch a movie if you're bored?"

I look at Michael and smile.

"I'm not bored."

He sighs and lowers his eyebrows, before turning to face me properly.

"What's wrong then?"

"I'm just worried about Jenny... she um, showed up at Jack's earlier today crying her eyes out."

"Oh?" He frowns.

I sigh, and run my hand through my hair.

"She's pregnant, and she doesn't know what to do."

"Oh... right." He widens his eyes.

"She's been seeing this guy for 3 months. They're not official, but she thinks he'll stop seeing her if she tells him she's pregnant."

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