Three years later

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Y/n's pov It's been three years since my time in the Digiworld... There isn't a day goes by that I don't think of Catmon and Gatomon... I know Matt misses Gabumon... We're 14 now... But lately, I have been having these horrible nightmares about the Digiworld in danger... An evil greater evil. I arrived home from tennis practice with Sora... We're the best on the team... Tai still plays Soccer and now with Daisy on the girl's soccer team... That girl made Tai so proud... I opened the door seeing Matt and his dad... Hello Hiroaki... Hey babe... I entered the apartment closing the door behind me and heading into the kitchen to get a glass of water... But... I was hit with a vision.

~Vision~ Y/n! Help! Matt help! I gasped seeing Catmon, Gatomon, and Gabumon beat up badly... Then I heard an evil laugh... No one can defeat me! The great Cherubimon! Evil Cherubimon laughs.

~End of vision~ Oh my god! MATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I shrieked dropping glass of water I was holding... I started shaking in fear... I heard footsteps. I felt arms around me... I tensed up before clamming down feeling a kiss against my neck... I collapsed against his chest. Y/n? Matt asked in worry... I had a vision... It wasn't good, Matt... Catmon... Gatomon... And Gabumon were calling out for us hurt and beaten up by... by... By Cherubimon... The new evil Digimon... Matt... I've been having a feeling we're gonna be called back to the Digiworld... I said shaking... How long have you've been feeling this? My rockstar boyfriend asked... I sniffed... Do you remember when we left the Digiworld and I had a vision we would someday return? I asked... He nodded... I think this counts, Matt... I sniffed. You didn't answer my question beautiful... Matt said... Daiblomon... I said sniffing... Why didn't you saying? He asked... You and the others have been so happy... I didn't want to be the bearer of bad news. I sniffed... He sighs... I though we agreed not to keep anything from each other anymore? He said sternly... I'm sorry... I've been having horrible nightmares about the Digiworld too... I'm sorry... I'm so sorry for not telling you... It hasn't been easy ya know? I sniffed. He lifts me up in his arms... Excuse you... Where are you taking me rockstar? I asked... He groans... You're the only one who can get away with calling me that... He said... Of course, I can... Your too afraid of me. I beamed... Cleaver little genius you are... My rockstar boyfriend said carrying me to our room... Oh... I'm going out! I heard Hiroaki say before leaving...

I panted as me and my rockstar boyfriend laid on our bed... I was curled under his right arm and his left arm wrapped tightly around me... If what you said was true... Then we have no choice... Matt said... I sighed... It would be nice to see Catmon, and Gatomon again... I said drawing shapes on his right arm with my fingers... We'll have a meeting later with the DigiDestined... Matt muttered... Later? Why not now? I asked with an innocent look... He growls at me... I giggled... Oh, Matt... Your so fun to tease... I giggled. Seriously? Do you remember when we were 11? He asked with a smirk... I thought we agreed not to bring that up! I smacked him... Your smacking the guy is about to make love to you again? Sheesh... He chuckles... I rolled on top of him... Shut up Yamato... And just fuck me... I growled. Fine... Always so pushy... He said... Just the way you like me... I purred... Little vixen... Always seducing me... Matt growls...

Four hours later... I just finished putting on the new dress I brought with Mimi and Sora... Oh yeah... Mimi and her parents moved to America for three months until Mimi moved back saying she couldn't be without us... I think that was mostly because of Izzy. I put on the necklace Matt got me for my 14 birthday last week... I walked down the stairs... Sheesh... Girls take a long time... Tai said in a deep voice... I rolled my eyes at my gogglehead best friend... Nice to see you too Tai... I said hugging him... He hugged me back... Alright... Is Everyone here? I asked. Joe is gonna be an hour late because of a test... Izzy said... Alright... I said... So... Matt called us all and told us... Care to explain Y/n? Tai asked with his arms crossed... I didn't tell them anything... Matt said as I gave him an evil look. Well... It's like this... I sighed...

Wait... If there is a new evil that is more dangerous and hard to beat... Does that mean... Does that mean Monodramon is in danger? Daisy asked with a worried look... Tk took her hand clamming her down... I grinned at Matt... Since the past three years, Dai and Tk have gotten very close... We've always teased them and asked when they are gonna start dating... They would always blush and deny it. The only reason Tai hasn't gotten crazy is that he trusts Tk. The door opens. Sorry, I'm late... I didn't realize how long the test would be... Joe said walking inside... No worries... How are you doing Joe? I asked the in-training doctor. Good... Thanks for asking, Y/n... Joe smiled...

Well shit... Joe said... I know... Y/n if this is true... Do you know when we will go to the Digiworld again and maybe met up with our Digimon? Sora asked... Mmm... I can look for an outcome... I said... I thought forcing yourself to have visions makes you weak and drained. Tai said... She's been practicing a lot since we returned from the Digiworld. Tk spoke up... Well then... Y/n if you please... Izzy said... Of course... I nodded.

~Vision~ What had me cut off guard was... We were wearing clothes... Different clothes... But we did reunite with our Digimon partners. There was trouble... We told our Digimon to Digivolve but... They couldn't... That made me narrow my eyes in confusion. I saw I think a Dog Digimon going after Dai... So Tai fought against him with a stick but it broke... Tai was then surrounded by fire but he was fine... We all then heard a voice said it was time... Then Tai shouted out Spirit. Then he shouted out Spirit Evolution... He shouted Execute Spirit Evolution... Agunimon! 

~End of vision~ Oh my god! Tai... He... And he turned into... Oh god! I yelled... Y/n what did you see? Sora asked with a motherly voice... We were wearing clothes... But they were different... We did reunite with our Digimon pals. There was trouble... We told our Digimon to Digivolve but... They couldn't... I said and the others gasped. How so? Tai asked. They tried and tried but they couldn't... The Digimon like a dog one... And it went after Dai... I said making Tai growl. But Tai... Tai fought against him with a stick but the dog Digmon broke it... Then Tai was surrounded by fire. He wasn't hurt... We all heard a voice that said... It was time... Then Tai shouted out Spirit... Then he shouted out Execute Spirit Evolution... Then... He turned into Agunimon... I said... Tai turned into a Digimon!? Is that even possible? Dai asked... Dai... Y/n and Gatomon Digivolved into Ophanimon before... Tk said and she blushes... I have a question... Mimi said... Yea Mees? I asked... Were the outfits cute? She asked... Everyone except for me, and Izzy facepalms. Yes, Mees. They were cute... I giggled. Yay! She cheered. It's getting late... We all have to get home... Tai said... Oh right... Dai sighed... Come on Izzy... You have to walk me home... Mimi fluttered her eyelashes at him... Izzy blushes. We'll talk more about this later... Tai said... Okay... Later, guys. I said and one by one left... I wrapped my arms around Matt's neck... You up for this? I asked... What? You mean saving the world again? Piece of cake. He said... I smacked him... I'm kidding... Of course, I am ready. He laughs... What am I supposed to do with you? I sighed... I can think of a few things dear... Matt said with a gleam in his eyes... Wanna help me with dinner? I asked... Do I ever turn your offer down? He smirked... I narrowed my eyes at him and crossed my arms... Okay... Once or twice... He chuckles pecking me on the lips... I moaned... Matt... If you seduce me like this... We will never have time to make dinner... I moaned... Oh... We'll have dinner... But... A different kind of dinner... Matt whispered huskily... I gave in to his sexy charms. He didn't start using his charm on me until after we beat Daiblomon... 

Man... I am so glad we are gonna see our Digimon again... But another new evil is going to destroy the Digiworld... I just hope Y/n is right... Who am I kidding... She's always right... By the way... It's me, Tai! Next time on Digimon: Digimon Frontier! 

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