The Warrior of Love: Turchinimon 2

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So now what, Tai? I asked... I have a plan... But it's stupid... BurningGreymon said... But you're always stupid... I said... Zephyrmon! BurningGreymon said... Okay... What's the plan? I asked... You jump on KendoGarurumon's back... BurningGreymon whispered... Right... I whispered and jumped on KendoGarurumon's back... I whispered the plan in KendoGarurumon's ear... He nods... KendoGarurumon jumps in the air... Hurricane Gale! KendoGarurumon flipped me off of his back... Howling Star! Chaos Flame! The flame hit my wind... Ah! Zephyrmon! I fell back on KendoGarurumon's back... Baby? KendoGarurumon growled... I'm fine... I flew up... Tailsman of Light! Avalanche Axes! Twinkle Burst! Whirlpool Tempest! Thunder Fist! Blockade Seed! Wildfire Tsunami! Death Hand!  I noticed Devimon glowing... Oh, no... Guys... He is going to Digivolve! I said... Oh shit! BurningGreymon said... Devimon Digivolve too... NeoDevimon! Oh god... This isn't happening... Not this again! No! No! NO WAY! I yelled. This is great! KendoGarurumon groans. You know him? BurningGreymon asked... As a different NeoDevimon yes... We battled him when the group was spit up the first time... KendoGarurumon answered... Hey babe... NeoDevimon smirks... Ugh! The nerve of some Digimon! I said in outrage... KendoGarurumon growls at him... Paws off... She's mine... KendoGarurumon growls. Deep Sorrow! AH! Tinkermon yelled... Sora! No! I yelled... 

Sora's pov I was falling but I saw something fly towards me... It's my Beast Spirit! I said and it files inside my D-Tector. I grinned... Execute! Beast Spirit Evolution! Turchinimon! I turned into a bigger fairy with blue hair and blue eyes. Time to help my friends! I fly back... Blue Star Slash! Ah! VenomMyotismon and NeoDevimon yelled in pain... Sora! You found your Beast Spirit! Zephyrmon said. This has been nice but... Bye-bye! They laughed and left... No fair! Those punks! Those jerks! Zephyrmon yelled pissed... Baby clam down... Your anger is making the winds rough. KendoGarurumon said. Zephyrmon looks at him... Sorry... She sighs. It's okay... The next time we run into them we will be ready... I said... 

Sora got her Beast Spirit Turchinimon... But VenomMyotismon and NeoDevimon got away... But we will be ready for them the next time we see them! See ya next time on Digimon Frontier: Digital Monsters!

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