Evil Shows his face again... Version 02

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Hey! Tk here! I'm here to bring you up to date. So Y/n got attacked by MadLeomon and De-Digivolved back to normal... So Joe got his Spirit... I wonder what will happen next...

Y/n's pov We were walking and ended up in a frozen wasteland... Why does this feel so familiar to me? I thought... Beautiful, what's wrong? Matt asked... This is feeling familiar to me... Like three years ago... If you know what I mean... I said... I stopped hearing something... Do you hear something? I asked... They all stopped hearing the same thing... What is that? Matt asked, holding me against his chest... I don't know... But it doesn't sound good. I said. We heard evil laughing... We look up... Devimon? We asked in confusion... That's not Devimon... That's IceDevimon! Bokomon said. Let's kick it guys... Tai said... Right! We nodded... Exectue... Spirit Evolution! 









All right, guys... Let's get him. Agunimon said. Hurricane Wave! Lobo Kendo! Pyro Tornado! Crystal Sphere! Fairy Powder! Draining Rain! Crystal Breeze! Blockade Seed! It didn't affect him at all! I said... Kazemon's right! Now what, Agunimon? Lobomon asked. That was fun... Now it's my turn! IceDevimon laughs. Not so fast! Hurricane Wave! Frozen Claw! I gasped... He slashed Kazemon's Hurricane Wave! Sakuyamon said... What do we do now? Kumamon asked. What we normally do... We fight... I said, fluttering my wings. Kazemon's right of course... Lobomon said... I smiled... Aw, Lobomon... You're so sweet babe... I said smiling... Lobomon starts blushing... Seriously... Knock it off... Agunimon rolls his eyes... Well... Oh so magnificent leader of ours... Any ideas? I asked. I got a plan up my sleeve... Agunimon grins... Oh god... When you say that... It worries me, Tai...  I said... Just keep him busy... Okay? Agunimon said... Okay... This plan better be good, Tai... I warned... Let's go guys! I said. Not so fast! Avalanche! Icy Shower! IceDevimon breaks the frozen wastelands in half... Lobomon, Kumamon, Bokomon, Catmon, Patamon, Gatomon, Veemon, and Gabumon, and I fell down one and the others when in the other hole. Why does this feel so familiar?! I asked as we continued falling... 

Y/n... Y/n, beautiful wake up... A voice said... I opened my eyes... Matt? I asked sitting up... You fainted. He said... Matt, what's going to happen now? I asked... We have to find the others and defeat IceDevimon. Matt said. Doesn't this feel familiar to you? I asked... Oh yeah... When we first were called to the Digiworld. Matt chuckles at the memory... Hey, mister... If I recall you were in pain being away from me. I said smugly... And so were you. Matt said smugly. Jerk... Hey... Where is Tk and Patamon? I asked... They when to look for the others... Matt said... So we're alone? I smiled... Besides, the Digimon... Yes... Why? Matt asked... Oh, I don't know... We could play arou--- Someone's here... I said... We turn around and gasped... It was a... Myotismon! That Digimon nearly destroyed our planet! Matt growls... He looks evil and mad... Get ready to spirit, beautiful. Matt muttered... You got it, babe. I said glaring at the vampire that gave me nightmares after my time in the Digiworld. Let's teach this vampire the power of Wind and Light! I said... You got it! Let's do it! Exectue! Spirit Evolution!



Humans turning into Digimon? No matter... Myotismon said... Hurricane Wave! Howling Laser! Now it is my turn, you pathetic fools! Grisly Wing! Not happening! Crystal Breeze! Lobomon and I turn around... Kumamon! We said smiling... I thought something was up and not pleasantly... So we hurried back... Kumamon said... So what do you say boys, we attack all at once together? I smirked... Wonderful idea, Kazemon... Lobomon smirked... Let's crack the little bastard. Kumamon said earning a bop on the head from Lobomon. Tempest Twist! Lobo Kendo! Blizzard Blaster! Myostimon's fractal code surrounds him... Myostimon, you are in need for some serious purifying. Hopefully, in your next life you won't be so cruel, mean, and hateful. Fractal Code... Digitize! Soon it turned back into a beautiful green grassy area with flowers... Fractal Code... Rendered... The voice said... Okay... Seriously, who are you? I asked... You will find out in do time Warrior of Wind and child of Innocent. The voice said... I looked at Matt and Tk... Let's go look for the others... I said... Yeah... Let's go... Matt nods. 

Sheesh! We run into some trouble called. IceDevimon than he split up the group.... This is seriously familiar. Oh, right... Three years ago. When Devimon split us up... Then Y/n and Matt fight against... You guessed it... Myostimon! But not the same one! See ya next time on Digimon Frontier: Digital Monsters! 

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