Lucemon on the loose 2

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Behold the punishment for those defy me. Hm? Lucemon said. He looks up where Tai, Matt, and Y/n float, each surrounded by the ten Legendary Warriors. They're alive?! But this is possible! No one can survive my ultimate sacrifice attack! This simply cannot be! Lucemon gasped... Tai and Matt merge together back into Susanoomon and Y/n merges back into AcientKazemon... I'm back! Susanoomon said... Don't forget about little old me! AcientKazemon winks. No! Lucemon yelled... Yes! AcientKazemon yelled back gleefully... Now it's your turn to be afraid. Very afraid... Yama, you are going to love what's about to happen. Ready! Celestial Blade! My turn! My turn! Storm Gazer! They attack the dark area they are in, cutting it in half, and weakening Lucemon. No. No! Nooo! Aah! No! Those pesky children won't give up. I was so close to my goal. Lucemon said. Lucemon you are a monster to the human race and Digital World... You have to pay for your crimes... You will be punished... AcientKazemon said sternly... Lucemon, you are full of hatred and bitterness. Your evil must be destroyed. Your spirit will be renewed and all your evilness will vanish. Now with this energy, you will be purified! Fractal Code, digitize! No! Lucemon yelled...

The fractal code enters Tai, Matt, and Y/n's D-Tectors, leaving two eggs. A light one and a dark one. The light one files up and disintegrates. Susanoomon and AcientKazemon de-digivolves back...

Lucemon's gone... Tai said as Sora hugs him... As usually Matt and Y/n were in a passion make out  session... Yeah. We did it, guys. Tk said smiling as Dai hugs him... It really happened. Susanoomon and AcientKazemon was able to take down Lucemon.... Prodigious guys! Izzy said... This is fantastico! Y/n said... Since when can you speak Italian?  Tai asked. Since mine and Matt's trip to Italy two months ago... Matt chuckles holding his girlfriend affectively... Oh, Neemon, they fought the unthinkable and accomplished the unimaginable. Bokomon said. It feels the same. Yippee! Neemon said. Great job. Patamon said sitting on Tk's head... That's right... Lopmon said as Mimi was holding him... Uh-huh... Salamon said... Y/n tenses up... So, I wonder what will happen now. Tai said... Huh?! They all gasped... The dark egg has been expanding and growing... Y/n was hit with a vision.

~Vision~ Lucemon came out of the egg and was much stronger and Susanoomon and AcientKazemon lost...

~End of vision~ Y/n let out a gasp in horror... My dear girl what did you see? Bokomon asked... I think you know the answer to that Bokomon... Y/n said sadly... Hey, what's happening?! Tai asked shocked... What's it doing? Bokomon asked. It's puffing up like a loaf of bread! Neemon said. It's growing. This can't be good. It looks evil. Tai said and Y/n bits her lip... I thought Lucemon had been scanned. That means his data been purified. So, why's his digi-egg still here? Tk asked. Oh, no. Not that. Bokomon said... What? All of the kids and their Digimon asked. When Susanoomon and AcientKazemon scanned Lucemon, they might've only  been able to scan and the data that was good. Which means all of his evil data still exists. And I'd say  it's growing again. Bokomon said. And if your suspicions are right... Matt trails off... He's been stripped of all goodness and is now evil incarnate. His reign of terror will be unstoppable... Bokomon said. Y/n whimpers clinging to Matt's arm... But I used to like the rain. Neemon said. A large dragon appears and holds onto the egg. Whoa, it looks like a dragon with intense power. Izzy said. Unbelievable. Tai said... The dragon takes off. Where's it going? Neemon... Wait... Is it heading for the... Human world!? Izzy finished Y/n's sentence... We've got to stop him! Y/n said... But how can we? Neemon asked. I have no idea. Bokomon said. But you know everything, Bokomon-- Neemon was cut off. Neemon, calm down. We've got to follow him. Matt said. 

Well then lets evolve. Execute now! Fusion Evolution! 


Execute now! Fusion Evolution!


Come on guys! Let's go! Y/n said... Yeah! Execute! Spirit Evolution!








They take off, following the dragon... All the Digimon are behind you! You can do it! Our world depends on it. Bokomon said... Y/n you can do it! We believe in you! Gatomon shouts. That's right! Our girl doesn't back down! Catmon said firmly... Y/n... Beat him up! Veemon shouted... Dai! I know you can do this! Monodramon said... Believe in yourself Daisy! Guilmon said... Sora... You can do it! Beat that no good angel! Biyomon said... Mimi! Go! Palmon said... Tk! Can do it! Yes you can! Patamon said... Go Joe! Go man! Gomamon said... Go Tai! That's my Tai! Agumon said... Go Izzy! Go! Tentomon said. 

He's faster than I thought. But if he thinks we're going to let him make trouble in the human world, then he's wrong. We're not going to let some overgrown evil lizard take over the Earth and run all lives out. No way! I've got to protect my family and stop this creep! Aldamon thought. 

I can't let this creep enter the real world... We've been through so much together... We're not going to let this overgrown dragon try and take over the real world. I have my family, friends, an Y/n to protect! I kept that promise to Minda I would always keep Y/n safe... I intend to keep it! BeoWolfmon thought. 

I always was a longly girl before I met Tai... But once we became best friends... I wasn't so alone anymore... I felt safe and at home with Tai... He became my brother... Someone I could go to... Just talk to and cry on the shoulder... Then I met the others... And Matt... I won't be who I am today with him Matt... I intend to keep my promise to my mom... I will protect my friends! Kazemon thought. 

Before that summer in the Digital World... I never thought I would find the best of friends... They helped me and in return I helped them... If it wasn't for Mimi kissing me that time when the group got split from Devimon, Mimi and I would have never ended up dating... These people are my friends... No... They are my family! I protect my family! Beetlemon thought...

It's all thanks to Y/n that Tai and I are together... If Y/n never shouted out that Tai liked me... We would have never ended up together... But Y/n... My BFF... She shouted it out and because of that... I'm dating Tai... And I'm the happiness girl in the world... Tai is the best boyfriend ever... Y/n has always been there for me and Tai... Like that time when Tai got me that stupid hair clip... it was silly thinking back on it... But... We will defeat Lucemon! Tinkermon thought determined. 

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