Saving Cherubimon 2

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No one's pov They were ready. They were standing side by side... You guys and girls ready? EmperorGreymon asked... You bet! JetSilphymon said determinedly... Yeah... Let's go... Titaniamon said... Mmmhmm! Let's do it! MagnaGarurumon said... They launch into the air and fly towards the Rose Morning Star. The others eagerly run along after them. To them, they are just four bright streaks of light in the sky. 

You guys can do it! Don't give up! Izzy yelled. 

Get em! Get em! Get em! Tk yelled waving his hands above his head. 

Go Tai! Dai yelled.

Stay strong you four! We believe in you! Mimi shouts. 

Y/n you can do it! We will be here for you! Gatomon shouts...

And we're going to stay here until the end for you! Catmon yelled.

Go guys! Veemon shouted. 

Matt I know you can do it! Gabumon yelled. 

The others are forced to stop at the cliff. 

Come back safely!! Oh, dear... Uh just... Come backkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!! Bokomon called worriedly... 

The compression of the data is working perfectly... Cherubimon  laughs. The human children have been a source of great irritation... But oddly... Because of THEM... It seems... Ah... Cherubimon kisses the glowing sphere... You're much sweeter... Cherubimon laughs. 

EmperorGreymon, JetSliphymon, Titaniamon, and MagaGarurumon lands on a floating rock nearby. The glowing things stopped moving... I don't have a good feeling about this... JetSliphymon said... She's right... I think he knows we're here. EmperorGreymon said... Mmm, I feel him... MagaGarurumon said... I can sense him as well... Titaniamon said. So you've come to play. You may have  lived a little longer had you not. Cherubimon laughs approaches, smugly holding the sphere in his left hand. Take a look. Do you know what this is? Well? Then let me enlighten you. This orb contains all the data I have collected from the Digital world. Cherubimon laughs. 

But why? MagaGarurumon asked...

Yeah... That's so not cool. Titaniamon said...

Seriously can't you evil Digimon do something else? Can't you pick up knitting or something? JetSilphymon asked. 

Yeah. What exactly do you plan to do with THAT? EmperorGreymon asked. 

Make it a part of me. Cherubimon said smirking.

Erg, great! What does that mean? EmperorGreymon asked... JetSilphymon face plants at him... 

He's insane! MagaGarurumon said. 

He's crazy! JetSilphymon said.

Yes, perhaps I am. But once I've assimilated this compressed data, I will be invincible! They waited until he was done confused... It is done! Cherubimon laughs glowing purple data surrounds him. And now I shall relieve you of the Legendary Spirits. Cherubimon laughs. 

I'm out of here! JetSilphymon files in the air...

I'm right behind you! Titaniamon said following her lead. 

I don't think so! Uh! MagaGarurumon blasts off.

Not as long as I'm breathing! EmperorGreymon runs off. 

Mmm... Cherubimon said amused...

Jet Binter! 

Maga Missiles! Darn it! It missed! MagaGarurumon growls. 

Missed again! Damn! MagaGarurumon said. 

Whoa! Calm down!  Did you really think it would be that easy? EmperorGreymon asked. You're right. We need to stay focused here! MagaGarurumon said... Yeah... EmperorGreymon said... A little help boys! JetSilphymon yelled. Right! MagaGarurumon and EmperorGreymon said... 

Storm of Judgement! The four of them dodged... It was the only thing they could do... Ah. Very well. Lightning... Spear! Rrrr! He throws it fiercely at EmperorGreymon... Huh? EmperorGreymon unsheathes his sword and slashes the lightning, unharmed. Is that the best you got?! EmperorGreymon smirks. Cherubimon is very much angered, he leaps off the rock he's been standing on and growls, he headed right for them. Nice going Tai... You made him more mad you idiot! JetSilphymon yells. He's pretty. I'll drive him this way-- back me up! MagaGarurumon said. We'll be ready! JetSilphymon said... You got that right! Titaniamon said. Yeah! EmperorGreymon begins to wildly swing his sword above his head. Ahhh--!! 

Hey ugly!  Wanna dance? MagaGarurumon fires missiles, but Cherubimon uses acrobatics and floating rocks to avoid them. He still has a tough time of it. Sorry, you're not getting away! MagaGarurumon said. For someone with so much courage, you are short on the  brains. I was merely testing you! Cherubimon grins... Oh, boys... JetSilphymon sang... Forget about us? Titaniamon sang. Test's over! Time to teach you a lesson! MagaGarurumon said. MagaGarurumon, JetSilphymon, and Titaniamon tries to attack him, but they only blow up rocks Cherubimon was hiding behind... EmperorGreymon  was still whirling his sword in a blurred circle over his head. Arr! More power! I need more power! Arh! EmperorGreymon said. 

Switches back to MagaGarurumon, JetSilphymon, and Titaniamon... I know! MagaGarurumon thinks to himself... JetSilphymon files in the air and Titaniamon follows her lead... We'll get you two more time... Just hurry Matt... JetSilphymon told her boyfriend. Right... MagaGarurumon nodded... Let's go Titaniamon! JetSilphymon said... Yeah! Titaniamon said... They attack from the air catching Cherubimon off guard... MagaGarurumon fires into he got Cherubimon into a rock. Gotcha! MagaGarurumon said... No! You had me! Cherubimon said smirking... EmperorGreymon swings his sword in front of him, but it cannot  be seem because it is in a blazing light. Almost ready... Just a little bit more... The sword is ready. Dragonfire Crossbow!! It is a direct hit to Cherubimon. He is consumed by flames, and he let out a loud yell. All that can be seen is the huge  explosion resulting from such a powerful attack. It looks like a giant glowing orange sphere. I hope it worked! MagaGarurumon said. 

Through the flames, Cherubimon is seen, grinning with malice. What the hell!? Titaniamon exclaimed... That's not possible! JetSilphymon said... Oh-- WHAT?! EmperorGreymon yelled. Valiant effect... Impressive strategy... Oh! But did I mention I am INVINCIBLE?! He smirks. Air and the sky completely clear, revealing Cherubimon, who is still there-- but only from the chest up and his arms... 

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