The Marriage Proposal 2

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Hey! Are we late? Tai asked... Nope... Dai and Tk just got here... How are you Tai? I asked giving him a side-hug... I'm good... How are my little niece and nephew? Tai asked returning the hug... Good... And I had a flicker of their names... They are Rosie and Jay...  And your son and our daughter are going to date in the future... I grinned... Oh... Bet Matt didn't take that well! Tai laughs... He didn't... I threatened him with the couch again... I smirked... Tai laughs... Sora you look great! I walk over to her as Tai walked over to Matt... I'm only one month along Y/n... Sora giggles... So... You're glowing... I smiled... 

Tai's pov How are you doing? I asked Matt... What do you mean? He asked... I mean about... You asking Y/n to marry you... I rolled my eyes... Oh... I'm nervous... He said nervously... Matt... I've known Y/n since we were 9... She isn't going to say no... She will probably go in shock... But she won't say no... She and Sora were talking about marriage lately. Y/n was telling Sora, Y/n was having flashes of you and her married... Happily married. I said. Matt you're it for her... Your what she wants... She's wanted you since we were kids... Of course, the two of you denied it of course. You're the one she loves... You're the one who was always in her mind and heart... I don't know if she told you this... But when she first saw you... She told me she was going to marry that beautiful blond boy with gorgeous deep sea blue eyes... I chuckled at the memory... Matt's face turned red... I had a flashback to that day...


Wow... 9-year-old Y/n said... Who are you looking at, Y/n? Younger me asked... Who's that beautiful blond boy Tai? And gorgeous deep sea blue eyes? Y/n asked me... That's Yamato Ishida Matt... I said... I'm going to marry him someday... She told me... I laughed... Yeah... I'll be the best man... I said jokingly... 

End of flashback

She called me beautiful? And gorgeous deep sea blue eyes? Matt asked... Yeah... I don't know about that thought... I huffed... Please... I'm gorgeous... Matt smirks. In your dreams... I whispered...

Y/n's pov Sora Matt has been acting weird these past months... I said... Really? I wonder why... She said confused... But the names... So cute... Sora smiles... I know... I grinned... I can't wait to find out what Tai and I are having... Sora grins... Hiya! Mimi chirped as she and Izzy came... Sorry we're late! We're not late, are we? Mimi asked... Nope... I said... Aw! So cute! Mimi gushes touching my stomach... Mimi... I laughed... Izzy and I have been trying... Mimi admits... Sora and I smiled... That's great, Mimi. Sora said... Then finally Joe and Alina... None of us thought Joe would ever get a girlfriend... She is a shy little thing... But she is perfect for Joe... We like Alina... She keeps Joe in line... She and Joe met before Diaboromon came back... I was worried I would be moody... But... I'm not... I love being pregnant. I didn't tell Matt... But I will be pregnant again once our children go to the Digital world... Matt's been acting weird... I said... I wonder why... Mimi said... I hope it's not bad... I said worried... Y/n... It's probably nothing bad... Alina smiles... Yeah... You're right... Joe's luck to have you... I said... I'm the luck one... Joe was so sweet with me after Tena broke up with me... Alina said... That jackass didn't deserve you dear... You and Joe make a cuter couple... Right? I said looking at Sora and Mimi... Yeah... You and Joe are cuter together... Mimi said... You make him so happy... It's sweet... Sora grins. Yeah... We never seen Joe so... I smirked... Smiling like a crazy person! Mimi laughs. The Doctor... I start... Finally... Gets... Sora smirks getting what I'm saying... The... Girl! Sora, Mimi, and I shout... The boys turn to us... They walk over to us... Matt wrapped his arms around me... What are you woman babbling about now? Matt asked... Oh, I'm going to ruin your face into bruises. I said innocently... Very funny baby... Matt kissed my cheek... Is everyone ready? Tai asked... Ready? What are you babbling about now Tai? If it is something stupid... I will kill you... Sora won't be able to protect you... I threatened... Babe come on... Leave Tai alone... Matt said... I huffed then remembered something... Why don't we go to the park? Hmm? I smirked... The park defiantly has sticks there! Mwahaha! I laughed in my head evilly. 

We arrived at the park... Tk and Dai ran off with their Digimon to go on a walk... Mimi and Izzy walked over to the flowers... Joe and Alina went on a nature walk... I saw a big stick... I grinned evilly... Mwahaha! I smiled innocently at Matt... You're planning something evil... Matt said with narrowed eyes... Oh, Matt!... How you wound me! I place a hand to my chest... I walk over to the stick... I pick it up... I walk over to Tai who was sitting on a bench with Sora... Oh, Tai!... I sang... Ye... I hit him in the head with the stick... Mwahaha! I laughed evilly whacking him with it... Sora shuddered in laughter... Matt shook in laughter... Mwahaha! Feel the pain, Taco! Feel the pain! Mwahaha! I laughed evilly... Stop! Tai yelled... Never! Mwahaha! I laughed like a man woman... I felt two kicks... Owe... The kicks got harder... OWE! I moaned in pain... They are definitely your children Yamato... I moaned in pain... Can you please stop kicking your mother's stomach so much? Matt asked my stomach making me laugh at him... Y/n... I have a question for you... And I hope your answer is what I'm hoping for... Matt said... Matt you're scaring me... I looked worried... He took my hand and I stood up with him... I saw Tai grinning out of the corner of my eye. 

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