The Beast Spirit of Wood: Petaldramon 3

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Joe's pov Ranamon came back... I'm back! And you jackass! Ranamon spat... How in the hell are you back?! MaloMyotismon said now annoyed... Suck my dick!  Dark Vapor!

Matt's pov Oh Matt! Your band is getting so popular! I'm so proud of you babe! I knew you could do it after all, I've seen it! My wife beams... You've been with me through all the bad and the good times... And I can't be more grateful for that Y/n... You are a blessing... I kissed her... Matt... I'm your wife... I'm your partner... I know you better than yourself... You were there for me when my mum died... I don't think I could have made it without you those past months... The crying... The screaming... There maybe more screaming when the twins are born thought... Just a warning... I may call you bad names like bastard... My wife giggles... You call me a bastard already when we make love... How is that any different? I smirked... Y/n? Y/N! Come back! I yelled. Matt... This wasn't real... Gabumon said... Gabumon what are you even talking about? I asked... Matt... This was created by MaloMyotismon... Lobomon said... None of it was real? I asked... Y/n isn't my wife? I asked sad... Well... She will in the future... KendoGarurumon said... Matt we have to go back... Are you ready? Lobomon asked. Yeah! I'm going to teach that freak not to mess with my dreams! I growled. 

Joe's pov Lobomon came back... What in the hell!? MaloMyotismon yelled... Yeah, buddy! How dare you mess with my dreams! Howling Laser!

Izzy's pov Izzy... Come on... Little Amya wants her daddy... Mimi my wife of three years said... Mimi and I got married after Matt and Y/n... Then it was Sora and Tai... Then Daisy and Tk... Then finally Joe and Alina... Alina was Joe's girlfriend once we all hit High school... All of us were shocked... Namely, Y/n and Mimi... They though Joe would never get a girlfriend... Well the whole team thought that... I got up from my computer and walked out of the room with my pregnant wife following me... Daddy... You promised to read me a bedtime story! You promised! You said you must never break promises! Amya said... Right... Which story? I asked... The one where you and mommy fell in love! Amya giggles... Amya is a lot like Mimi... Okay... I said telling the story and soon Amya was sound asleep... I walked out of the room with Mimi. Mimi all of a sudden disappeared... Mimi! I said... Izzy I'm sorry... This was an Illusion made by MaloMyotismon... Tentomon said... Darn... I sighed... Izzy... Come on... Let's go back... Beetlemon said... Yeah... And show that jerk not to mess with us! I said...

Joe's pov Beetlemon came back... You ass! Beetlemon yelled... How!? MaloMyotismon yelled... Thunder Fist! 

Tk's pov It's amazing isn't it, Patamon? No more fighting and no more evil Digimon trying to destroy us? I smiled... It would be nice Tk... But this isn't real... None of this is. Patamon said... Huh? What are you talking about, Patamon? I asked... Patamon's right Tk... This is an Illusion created by MaloMyotismon... Kumamon said. That no good cheat! I growl. You ready to go back now, Tk? Korikakumon asked... Yeah... I'm ready... I said...

Joe's pov Kumamon came back... HOW! MaloMyotismon yelled... Freak! Now you're going to get it! Kumamon yelled. Crystal Breeze! Humph... You thought you were so clever didn't you? Zephyrmon sneers. It worked at first... Lobomon growls. But with the help from our Digimon... Agunimon glares... We  were brought out of your little mind trick... Turchinimon sneers. Looks like your plan didn't work out the way you wanted it to. Beetlemon said... We came to our senses... Ranamon said... You had us going there for while... Kumamon said... But in the end... We came back and are ready for the fight! Sakuyamon said. How?! MaloMyotismon asked... What do you expect? They are the DigiDestined and the Legendary Warriors. Gatomon said grinning. Humph... I'm getting tired of listening to his whinging... Tai can't we just destroy them? Zephyrmon asked... Let's do it... His whining is giving me a headache Tai. Lobomon said. Just then something came over to me and flew inside my D-Tector... It's Joe's Beast Spirit! Zephyrmon gasped... No! Not that! MaloMyotismon said... It's mine! NeoDevimon yelled lunging for it... Not today! It's mine! I yelled... Execute! Beast Spirit Evolution! 


Y/n's pov Oh wow... I said... He looks like an old wise plant dragon... I said.... That is Petaldramon... He is the Beast Spirit of Wood... He is is plant dragon... His Leaf Cyclone is to watch out for. Bokomon said reading in the book. Leaf Cyclone! MaloMyotismon's fractal Code appears around him... Slide Evolution... Arbormon! MaloMyotismon you are in some need for purify... I hope you learn your lesson next time... Fractal Code... Digitize! We turn back and Joe presses a button... Fractal Code... Rendered... Ophanimon said. Wait... Where is NeoDevimon! Tai said... Dammit! We were so caught up with MaloMyotismon we forgot about NeoDevimon! I said... We'll get him... Joe said... 

Whoa! I can't believe that happened! We faced our own Illusions! But we came back thanks to our Digimon and beat MaloMyotismon... But that darn NeoDevimon got away! No worries we'll get him next time... Only one more Beast Spirit left... Izzy! See ya next time on Digimon Frontier: Digital Monsters! 

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