The Beast Spirit of Light

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Hey guys! So last time after all of us when to sleep... A Digimon called Tapirmon used his attack called Nightmare Syndrome on Tk... So Tk was under a trance and attacked us... Lucky the others jumped into action... I'm glad it turned out well... And there is a Beast Spirit nearby... By the way this is Biyomon. 

Y/n's pov We all woke up to a note left by Matt saying he was going to find his Beast Spirit... I guess the Beast Spirit was his... And Tai was pissed that Matt left in the middle of the night... I'm angry with him as well... He could have taken me with him! He knows how I feel about him all on his own! He didn't even take Gabumon with him! He has a lot of kissing up to do once I see him again! Not even his sexy ways will work on me this time!  Matt should know better than to go off on his own! Tai was ranting... You aren't going to say anything? Sora asked... No... I'm mad Matt didn't even take me with him... He didn't take Gabumon with him! I said as Gabumon was sitting with Catmon worried about my idiot boyfriend... I got hit by a vision.

~Vision~ We run into a Digimon called MegaDramon. So we all Spirit Evolution, so we could battle him... But he was too strong for us... Lobomon came out of nowhere and joined us.... He then Digivolved into KendoGarurumon... But he couldn't control his Beast Spirit. I facepalmed at that... 

~End of vision~ What did you see Y/n? Izzy asked... We're going to be attacked by a Digimon called MegaDramon... We all Spirit Evolution, so we can fight him... But he was stronger than us... Lobomon appears out of nowhere and joined us in battle... He got his Beast Spirit... KedoGarurumon... But... I sighed... But what? Tai asked... You're going to find this funny as shit and probably will hold it over Matt's head... He couldn't control his Beast Spirit... I sighed and Tai starts laughing... Oh, man! Tai laughs... Juster than MegaDramon appeared... Uh-oh... Tk said... Get ready gang! Tai said... Yeah! We nodded... Execute! Spirit Evolution!









Tempest Twist! Crystal Sphere! Pyro Darts! Nightmare Pandemic! Crystal Breeze! Whipping Waves! Thunder Fist! Blockade Seed! Dark Slide Attack! Ah! Ugh... Guys... Come on... We can't give up... I try to stand... Kazemon your arm! You're hurt! Tinkermon said... We have to keep going! Come on guys! I said... Kazemon's right... Agunimon said... Pyro Tornado! Fox Drive! Speed Nightmare! Hurricane Wave! Blizzard Blaster! Dark Vapor! Thunder Fist! Roundhouse Punt! God, that didn't work! Tinkermon said... Lobomon where are you! I thought thinking about my boyfriend... Lobo Kendo! Lobomon! You are in so much trouble! I yelled... I walked up to him... You left without telling any of us! Including me! I smacked his arm... He turned back to Matt... You can scold me later... Matt said... I sighed... Okay... I said... Execute! Beast Spirit Evolution! KendoGarurumon! But... Howling Star! It was coming at us! We jumped out of the way... Matt stop! Matt stop! It's us! Come on! Snap out of it! Agunimon said... He only attacked Agunimon... I don't want to hurt my boyfriend... But he can't hurt Agunimon... I have to snap him out of this... Matt I am sorry about this... But... Hurricane Wave! I flew over to them... Matt, please... You have to remember who we are... Please... You have to remember who you are... If you can't... Please, just try to remember me and how good we are together... You have to remember, Matt... I love you! I cried...

No one's pov Matt stop it! Matt stop! It's us! Come on! Snap out of it! Agunimon said... But KendoGarurumon only attacked Agunimon... He noticed the purple fairy watching him with sad eyes... He doesn't understand why... But he felt guilt in his chest when the purple fairy looked at him with such sad eyes... I don't want to hurt my boyfriend... But he can't hurt Agunimon... I have to snap him out of this... Matt I am sorry about this... But... Hurricane Wave! The purple fairy files over to them... Matt, please... You have to remember who we are... Please... You have to remember who you are... If you can't... Please, just try to remember me and how good we are together... You have to remember, Matt... I love you! The purple fairy cries... Something inside KendoGarurumon snapped... Y/n? KendoGarurumon growled... The purple fairy looked at him with tears of joy... I knew you could do it... The purple fairy kisses KendoGarurumon's cheek, and he blushed... This is touching... But... Big Mega Fire! I don't think so! Let's go gang! Agunimon said... Yeah! They yelled...

Hurricane Wave! Pyro Punch! Thunder Kick! Speed Nightmare! Howling Star! Crystal Breeze! Whipping Waves! Thunder Fist! Blockade Seed! Ah! MegaDramon yelled... Slide Evolution! Lobomon! It's time to take out the trash. You reject! MegaDramon's fractal code appears around him... May in your next life the light will guide you... Fractal Code... Digitize! They turned back to normal... Matt pressed a button... Fractal Code... Rendered... Y/n flung herself into his arms... Jackass! She yelled before pulling his ear... She walks off pulling Matt's ear painfully as he cries in pain... The others watched on in amusement... The others meaning Tai... And Tai had to smirk. Y/n never called Matt a jackass before... He really made her mad... But he knows Y/n will forgive Matt soon enough. They are soulmates after all... 

Y/n's pov I continued walking when pulling Matt's ear painfully... Ow... Ow... Ow... I learned my lesson baby... Stop pulling my ear... Matt whined... I glared and let go... Dumbass... I sighed... You scared me! Sheesh... I hope I don't act like you when I find my Beast Spirit... I muttered... I'm sorry... Matt said... I sighed... You better not make this a thing... This better be a one time thing. I threatened. Got it mister? I glared... Yes, ma'am... Matt said... Good... The others should be coming... I laughed seeing them behind us... Did you enjoy the show? I asked... Yes... Quite well... Tai smirks... Matt hisses at him... Don't hiss at me... Mister I can't control my Beast Spirit! Tai laughed... Matt lungs at him... I jumped on his back... Come on... You haven't given me a piggy back ride since we were 11! Move it! I giggled and winked at Tai... He laughed... 

Well... Matt got his Beast Spirit, but he couldn't control it! Ha! I'm definitely gonna use that as black mail the next time he teases me! Anyways... See ya next time on Digimon Frontier: Digital Monsters! 

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