End of the line 2

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We defeated Lucemon once and we can do it again. Kumamon. Especially now that we all have you to help. Kazemon said. Your courage makes us stronger than we've ever been. Agunimon said. Neemon's sleeping standing up. Oh, wake up! Bokomon snaps Neemon's waistband. Oh!  Ow! Oh! Neemon said. Salamon, Lopmon and a form of Patamon appears... This is the most real event that there has ever been. The fate of the two worlds hingers on this moment. Ophanimon said. Ophanimon. Tai said... Lucemon is powerful. Remember his weakness. He exists without consciousness. Cherubimon told us. Even so, It will take all your skill, bravery, and cunning to defeat him. Seraphimon said. Have faith in yourselves and work together and you will be triumphant. Ophanimon said. You Legendary Warriors ready to save a couple of Worlds? Tai asked. We are if you are. Agunimon said. Again the warriors hold our fate. Ophanimon said... And us too. Today, we all are going to write a whole new legend. Right, team? Tai asked. Yeah! Tk and I said... You bet! Daisy said... Let's do this! Mimi and Sora said. Yeah! Come on! Joe said... Yeah! Izzy said... I'm ready for the final fight! Matt said... 

Execute! Ancient Spirit Evolution! We cried... 

We became one... Tai said...

With our hearts. I said.

Our minds. Matt said...

Our determination... Daisy said...

Our hopes. Tk said.

Our love. Sora said...

Our courage... Mimi said... 

Our never ending will to give up. Joe said.

Our strengths... Izzy said... 

Susanoomon! We all said... I told you it would work. Neemon said. Quick, Susanoomon, wipe the floor with that evil slug! Bokomon said. With pleasure. Yah! The dragon breaks through the surface and starts to rise up, causing panic in the streets. Susanoomon grabs the dragon's tail. Oh, no you don't. Susanoomon said. Susanoomon pulls him underground and back into the Digital World where he's forced to let go. Uh! Susanoomon said. He can still attack the Real World. Tai said... But how can we stop him? Tk asked. What did Cherubimon say about his greatest weakness? Izzy asked. He has no consciousness. I said. But we heard him speak before. Tk said. There's more to him than meets the eye. Matt said. That's it! Susanoomon said. He files around the dragon and up to the egg in its claws. Inside  we see a bug. 

Is that his true form? Susanoomon asked. Lucemon blasts us away. Uh! Uhhh! Susanoomon said. We can't win. Bokomon said. Graahh! The dragon said. You can't stand in the way of my utopia. Prepare for paradise. Lucemon said. No! You can't win! Susanoomon said. Lucemon attacks. The rest of the Digital World turns into code. He's consuming the rest of the world. I can't believe it. I see it, but I can't believe it. There's barely anything left. Bokomon said. And now that's gone. Neemon said. What are we going to do? I asked. We've got to come up with something quick, or we'll be destroyed too... Tk said.  But what can we do against that attack? Izzy asked. Wait, I know. Tai said. What? We asked. You have to trust me, guys. We're going  inside. Tai said... After some difficulty, we entered the egg. We made it. Susanoomon said. You're too late. Nothing can stop me utopia now. Lucemon said. You're nothing but a tyrant who's too weak to accept that he might be wrong. We will stop you. Susanoomon said. Powerful words. Let's see if you have the power to back them up. Lucemon said. 

Time to do it. Susanoomon said. Stand tough guys. Tai said. Right. We said. He's not as strong as he thinks he is. Susanoomon said. We attack Lucemon and eventually we get the upper hand. No, impossible! Lucemon said. Impossible is our specialty... Susanoomon said. Lucemon tries to attack again. You'll need more than that. Yah! Ah! Lucemon yelled. Ahh! Susanoomon said. I cannot be defeated by humans! Lucemon yelled. Guess again. Susanoomon said. We finally manage to defeat Lucemon. The egg shatters. It's working. Did we win? Neemon asked. It's not over yet. Bokomon said. No way, it's never over! Neemon said. Graahh! The dragon said... He's going crazy. Neemon said. No one's controlling him. Bokomon said. It's time to end this for good. Ahhh! Heaven's Thunder! Oh! Bokomon said... Wow! It worked! Neemon said.  And so it ends. Celestial Blade! You who would destroy both worlds with your evil, feel the power of the ten legendary warriors, perish! Susanoomon said.  The dragon disintegrates. The data files out and covers the Digital World. He did it. All the data's being released. Bokomon said. Yeah! Salamon and Lopmon said. Great, they saved the world! Neemon said. Finally. Bokomon said. But  if we really won, then what is attacking us?! Patamon asked. Lucemon heads right for Susanoomon's back. Ah! Lucemon said... Huh? No! Susanoomon said. He separates us from him just before he strikes. 

Even this will not bring you victory. Susanoomon said... If I'm defeated, I'll take you with me! Lucemon said. So be it. As long as you're defeated! Susanoomon said. The ten legendary warriors leave Susanoomon and surround Lucemon... Now, let's take care of that thing for good. Susanoomon said... They all attack. Once again, the forces of good have triumphed over you. Susanoomon said. No! It's not possible! Lucemon said. He was defeated once and for all. 

Thank you. All of you. Without your help we would be lost. Agunimon said. Back at you. If not for you we'd be gone a bunch of times. Tai said. Maybe. But we would be powerless without you. Agunimon said. You helped us-- Tk said... More than we helped you. Izzy said... That's for sure. Matt said... You taught me a lot of things... Daisy said... As you taught me things as well dear one. Sakuyamon said. I'm glad I met you Ranamon... Mimi said... Me too.... It was fun being your partner, Mimi... Ranamon winked at her. I learned more about myself from you Tinkermon... Sora said... As did I Sora... Tinkermon said... Joe I learned that you are a bright and thoughtful person that you care for your friends... It was an honor serving you. Arbormon said. Aw, man... You're going to make me cry Arbormon. Joe sniffed. I'm happy I met you Kazemon... You taught me things I didn't even know was possible... To become a Digimon... It is an experience I will never forget... I said smiling... Y/n... You taught me something too... To never give up when it gets hard... I even got your stubbornness... She chuckles...  

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