Sakuyamon: Warrior of Destiny

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Hey it's Y/n! Last time Sora got her  Spirit... I have this gut feeling Dai will get her Spirit today... I could be... Oh I am never wrong... 

Daisy's pov The older kids were in the front of the group when Tk, Patamon, Monodramon and I were in the back... Am I ever gonna find my Spirit soon? Dai si something wrong? Monodramon asked looking up at me... Dai? Tk asked... When do you think I'll find my Spirit? I asked... You will Dai... You just have to wait... Tk said... I smiled... Thanks, Tk... You've always knew how to make me feel better... I kissed his cheek... He blushes... We've been best friends since we were kids... Tk said... Yeah... And we've had feelings for each other... I said... Yeah... He said blushing... Tk... I want to tell the others... I said... Are you sure? We just started dating, Dai... Tk said... I know... But I can't keep this kind of thing from Tai... He's my big brother... He won't be as mad as you think... If he would let me date anyone... It's you... He trusts you, Tk... Okay, Dai... We'll tell the others than... Tk said... How much do you think we will get teased and laughed at? I asked... A lot... They have been teasing us, since we were kids... Always saying Hope and Faith go together. Tk chuckles at the memory... That was most big sister Y/n... I said... Yeah... She would always grill me asking are we going out yet... He laughs. The other person that knows is Matt... He said... Hey! Come on you two! Big sister Y/n called with Matt's arms wrapped around her... Yeah... Come on kids! Matt laughed... Y/n rolled her eyes and kissed his cheek making his cheeks heat up... No matter how old they get... Big sis always makes my bro blush! Tk laughs... We caught up to the rest... Dai... What's wrong? Big sister Y/n frowns. I looked slightly stunned. Nothing's wrong... I was just wondering when I will find my Spirit... I said... Daisuke... Big sis Y/n said sternly... Okay... I was thinking Tk and I should tell Tai about us... I admitted. He won't be mad... It's Tk after all... Big sister Y/n said. 

Y/n's pov Tai... I have to... Well... We have to tell you something... Dai said... What is it? Tai asked his little sister... Well... Now of two agos ago... Tk and I started dating... She confessed... It's about time you crazy kids! We were all betting when you two would get together... Tai laughs... Your not mad? Dai raised an eyebrow... Not at all... Y/n and I bet when you both would end up together... And no... I trust Tk... Tai said... Really? Thanks Tk... I promise if I ever hurt dai... Which is crazy... You will be the first in line to kill me or something on the lines of that. Tk chuckles. I smiled in Matt's chest... Aren't they adorable? I gushed. Matt chuckles... You're such a hopeless romance. Matt said... I pouted at him... But you're my hopeless romance... Matt said making me beam up at him... You bet your ass I'm yours. I muttered pecking his lips. He laughs... Veemon, Catmon, and Gatomon stopped... What's wrong, guys? I asked... Danger... Gatomon informs... I heard a cracking laugh... We look up... Izzy... I said... That is Witchmon... She is the rival of Wizardmon... Her Aquary Pressure is really dangerous! Izzy informs us... Let's kick it you guys! Tai said... Right! We said... Execute... Spirit Evolution! 






Let's get this show on the rode! Pyro Tornado! How about a little... Hurrcane Waves! Blizzard Blaster! Howling Blaster! Nightmare Pandemic! That was nice... But now it's my turn! I'll start with the pretty faries! Aquary Pressure! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tinkermon and I screamed before drowning in the water... 

Tai's pov That was nice... But now it's my turn! I'll start with the pretty faries! Aquary Pressure! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kazemon and Tinkermon yelled before drowning in the water... TINKERMON! KAZEMON! Lobomon and I yelled.

Daisy's pov Oh no! I wish I could do something! I have to help! I want to help my friends! I thought... Just then my D-Tector started beeping... I pulled it out of my pocket and a shinning light comes to me... I goes inside my D-Tector... It is time... The voice said... I gasped...

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