The Warrior of Love: Turchinmon

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Hey! It's Agumon! So last time We fought against a Digimon called MegaSeadramon... And Tk got his Beast Spirit and beat MegaSeadramon... I wonder what will happen next...

Y/n's pov We've been walking for hours... Tai it's almost dark... Dai said... Tao she's right... I said with a smirk hoping to get a rise out of him... Matt shook his head in amusement... TAO?! I TOLD YOU TO CALL ME TAI DAMMIT! Tai yelled at me... I laughed holding onto Matt's arm in laughter... I'm sorry Tai... I just like pissing you off... I smiled... Oh... I know you do. He muttered making me giggle. I was hit with a vision... And it wasn't pretty...

~Vision~ Ah... After those long years... I am finally back... And I Myotismon will have my revenge on those DigiDestined who destroyed me all those years ago! Myotismon said smirking evilly...

~End of vision~ I gasped in horror. But... But... But... We... How... But... Why!? Why?! I panicked... Guys Y/n's panicking... It's worrying me a lot... Matt said... Y/n come on, baby snap out of it... Baby, come on... You're freaking us out... Come back to us, baby. Matt said... I gasped and looked up at him fearful... Matt... It's... I... I... I... I saw... I saw... I saw... Myotismon... I muttered... Another Myotismon? Matt asked... Tears welled in my eyes... No... Myotismon who nearly destroyed us all... I whispered... Dai let out a horrified gasp... Tk wrapped his arms around her and Monodramon hugged her around the waist comfortingly her... He was mad... He wants revenge against us... And guys... He looks more powerful now... It really threw me for a loop... I whispered shaking... It scares me... Can you see an outcome? Tai asked... I looked horrified... I'm going to be selfish  for once... No... I whispered... Honestly Tai... She's in shock... Give her a few minutes. Sora scowls. I buried my face into Matt's chest... I don't want to look... Don't make me look... Please don't make me look... I begged... Shh... You don't have too... But it would give us an advantage. Matt said softly stroking my hair... Okay... Hold my hand please... I whispered... Of course, baby... Matt squeezed my hand... I sighed clinging to his hand tightly and forced a vision.

~Vision~ We come across Myotismon and... Oh my god! Devimon! All of our old enemies are coming back! They were smirking... We were losing badly... Until Sora got her Beast Spirit... But they got away...

~End of vision~ Oh god no... No him... Anyone but him... I broke down crying... Y/n... Y/n! Y/n what did you see? Tai asked... I saw Myotismon and... I sobbed holding onto Matt tightly... Devimon! I saw Devimon! How? Why? Why! I sobbed. Why are all of our old enemies coming back? Is this karma? What did we do to deserve this? I sobbed. Tai help me put her on my back, would you? Matt asked...  Sure... Tai said lifting me up and placing me on Matt's back... I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck... Gatomon, Catmon, and Veemon standing close in case I have another metal break down... I closed my eyes as the others continued walking... I heard talking... Two voices... Guys... It's them... I whispered... The others were on guard... Look it... It's the DigiDestined that ruined our lives! Devimon laughs. Humph... I can't... Shut up fang face... I sneered... Now... Shall we show them the guys? I asked smirking... Oh, yeah! The others said... Show us what? That you're still weak... Myostimon laughs... Hmm... Tai show we go Beast? I whispered... He nods... We got out our D-Tector's. You're about to get schooled. Execute! Beast Spirit Evolution! 







What?! Myostimon yelled. Izzy, Sora... Come on! Joe said... Right! Execute! Spirit Evolution! 




You need to learn manners! Hurricane Gale! Pyro Barrage! Thousand Spells! Howling Star! Avalanche Axes! Twinkle Burst! Whirlpool Tempest! Thunder Fist! Roundhouse Punt! They laughed... That tickles... Now it's our turn! Blood Punch! We dodged the attack... Death Hand! We dodged again... No more playing around! Myotismon Digivolve too... VenomMyotismon! No! This can't be happening! I said... No! KendoGarurumon said... 

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