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Eunice's POV

"Oh my God! That's awesome news!"

Yena exclaimed happily when I read her and Donghyuck the letter. The boy didn't seem to be as enthusiastic as her and even looked unsure. "What's bothering you, Hyuck?" I asked, rolling the scroll back.

"What if the slippers would fit in another girl's foot? You could have the same shoe size as some of them and they might be mistaken as you," He creased his brows and bit on his sausage. "Why didn't you tell him your name, anyway? It would have been so much easier."

"I was in a hurry. It was midnight already. My fairy godmother told me the magic would disappear at that time." Yena lightly smacked Hyuck. "She was probably pressured from the reminder her godmother gave. Give her a break." She said.

I sighed and wiped my face with my hands. "No, Donghyuck is right. I could have at least shouted my name while running. I didn't know he would actually put up a search on me," I slid out of the stool and stood up. "I'll just give this to Mother."

"Be careful. That woman is nasty." Yena made barfing noises and Hyuck nodded. "I hate to agree with her but she's actually spitting straight facts." She turned to him and shrugged. "Right? I would pay to kick Lady Tremaine's ass."

Donghyuck sipped his own tea and nodded. "Honestly." I playfully rolled my eyes at them and climbed up the stairs towards Mother's bedroom. I knocked on the door and I heard her reply on the other side, "Come in." I turned the knob and pushed the door open.

I went inside and after seeing it was me, her eyes became dark. She really does hate me that much. "What is it, Eunice?" She asked and put her cup down on the saucer. I held out the letter to her and as she took it, I said, "Another message arrived from the Grand Duke."

I glanced at her and she scoffed, rolling back the sheet of paper. "Ugh, that mysterious girl again," Her eyebrows then slowly became soft and she smiled menacingly. "Since the Prince does not remember her name nor what she looks like.. then maybe Davina and Anallina can pretend to be her.."

I tried my hardest to swallow my gasp that threatened to come out of my mouth. Oh, how sinister could she possibly get?! Yena and Donghyuck are right about her. She has shown her true colors to me ever since I was young. How did I manage to tolerate this kind of attitude towards an individual? No one is needed to be treated this way.

She looked at me, her brows wrinkling in annoyance. "What are you still doing here? Leave. You won't have understood a thing I just said because you failed to attend the grand ball." She cockily spoke and motioned me to the door.

Slowly bowing to her, I nodded. "Yes, Mother." I muttered and hurriedly left that hell of a room. As soon as I closed the door shut from the outside, my hands formed into fists. I can't let them marry the prince freely.

I walked back to the kitchen with heavy steps and the two whom I left there were surprised to see me fuming in anger. I rarely get mad so this is a new occasion. "Woah, Eunice, you okay?" Donghyuck asked while Yena stood up to get me a glass of water.

I threw my hands in the air and plopped on the stool in a heavy manner. "I wish I was, but Mother has a plan to make Davina or Anallina's feet fit in the glass slippers!" Yena gave me the water and I drank all the contents down my dry throat.

She gasped and covered her mouth in distress. "Really? Oh, that vicious woman. I can hold back no more." She attempted to leave the kitchen to raid inside the room but Hyuck pulled her to him by her white night gown so she stayed put in her place.

He put an arm on her shoulder and tapped it while he did the same to me with his other hand. "Girls, calm down, calm down." Yena removed his arm from her and flayed hers in the air. "'Calm down'? How do you calm down??"

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