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Third Person's POV

With a weary heart and clouded mind, Jaemin made his way out of the forest alone. Fortunately, he still remembered the way out of this place. It only took him almost an hour and he can hear bells ring, indicating it was midnight.

At that time, he has finally found his way out and saw the road leading to the palace. It wasn't so far so with the strength he has left, he continued to trudge to the castle, thinking that everyone might be worried about him.

While he was on the path, his head filled with multiple thoughts. It's the second day without her. He will still mourn for her. His heart still ached even though the one who killed her died as well but why.. why can't he forgive Kailynne? He tried but to no avail.

He already misses her touch, her eyes.. God, everything about her. Maybe he's being too melancholic right now but he can't help it. Her death was so unexpected and unrighteous but sadly, what's happened had happened. He has to continue living on without her.

Jaemin was finally close enough to the palace and the guards outside the doors immediately helped him. They guided their prince inside and announced his arrival. Doyoung was near the staircase, worried about the boy who he considered as his son and when he saw him, he immediately called the servants to bring in a first aid.

Yena and Donghyuck were sitting on the staircase, worried about Jaemin's whereabouts. The boy lifted his head and he patted his lover's arm then pointed at the prince. The two of them stood up and quickly ran towards him. Yena placed a hand on his shoulder and brushed his hair away from his forehead.

"Are you okay? Did she hurt you further? Where is that bitch?" She asked and looked around to see if she was still there. Jaemin let out a groan as he sat down a chair that was brought. "Yes, I'm alright. It's just this," He said and pointed at his thigh. "And.. she's dead."

Their eyes widened. "What?" He repeated the sentence again and the two were then relieved. The servants came pouring inside the room and instantly aided the prince. Yena raised a brow. "How about the glass slippers? Did you break them?"

He shook his head lazily. "No. They're attached to her feet. Do you guys know about 'The Girl in the Red Shoes'?" While Hyuck was clueless about it, Yena gasped and covered her mouth. "You mean—" Jaemin nodded. "Yes, she is her."

Snapping her fingers, she sighed. "I knew her name was so familiar. So she's her..." He nodded and started telling them about what happened to Kailynne. "Her feet and the slippers started to twitch. They wanted to dance but she is dead now so they won't be able to do anything. No one would be able to take them off."

Donghyuck raised a brow. "You sure?" Jaemin replied with a short 'yes' before groaning when his wound was getting aided. He looked at the two, his breathing heavy. "You guys can go home now. I would be fine." Yena shook her head and patted his shoulder. "One way or another, you would still be Eunice's husband so we are staying until you will feel much better."

Jaemin gave them a small smile. "Thank you. Let's rest after I'm done with this, okay?" The two nodded and waited for his wound to be patched up. After it was cleaned and covered, Yena and Hyuck took him to his room themselves.

They carefully placed him on his bed and once again, Jaemin thanked them. "Hyuck, quick. Get clean clothes in the closet." Yena told him while she went to get a basin filled with water and a small towel to at least tidy up the prince.

He asked if it was okay for him to remove his shirt and Yena only rolled her eyes. "Boy, you're taken. I'm taken. You're a little brother to me." She said. Donghyuck pouted while glaring at Jaemin as the girl cleaned his torso and face. When she was done, she left the room so he would be able to change into his pajamas.

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