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Eunice's POV

After what my fairy godmother said, I was rest assured that she would handle the situation. She knows what she's doing. After all, she's a fairy. "Thank you so much, godmother." I said and hugged her again.

She tapped my back and chuckled lightly. "Don't thank me, dear. I'm only doing what is right. The prince fell in love with you so it's a must that you be the one he marries." She said and placed a soft peck on my head.

I slowly pulled away and gave her a smile. "You would surely do something, right?" She nodded reassuringly. "Yes, worry not," She stood up from the bench and gasped. "Oh, I must go now. I promise to help you, my dear.. and I don't break promises."

"I know you said not to, but thank you." I uttered and she gave me a small smile. "You're always welcome, Eunice. See you soon." She waved her hand goodbye and disappeared into the night with a flick of her magic wand.

I finally stopped crying and got myself together. She will get rid of that Jewel. All I have to do is wait and trust her. I stood up from the bench and walked back inside the house. I can barely see the way because my eyes are puffy from all the crying earlier.

I went to the kitchen to drink a cold glass of water and I saw Hyuck and Yena still talking. They paused from their conversation and immediately walked to me. "Hey," Yena placed a comforting hand on my arm. "Are you alright now?" She asked as softly as she could.

I nodded. "Yes. My throat is just.." I didn't get to finish because Donghyuck already poured me a glass and gave it to me. I swallowed the contents and put it down on the counter. "Do you want us to cook dinner for you?"

"What are you thinking, Yena? Of course we're going to make dinner for her," Hyuck made me sit on a stool then he pulled Yena to help him cook food for me. While they fumbled over cabinets and drawers, I stayed still on my place, drowned in my own thoughts.

I wonder what my fairy godmother has planned for me, especially for that Jewel girl. The audacity of that woman to call me a peasant. Why, she looks like any other person in town. The servant who was holding the slippers was much more presentable than she is.

Now that I recalled her face, our appearances are quite similar. Oh, Jaemin would be fooled. I wonder what lies that woman would say to him. I hope he doesn't believe any of it. She can't live the luxurious life she doesn't deserve. She showed her true identity to me just today. She was very upsetting to listen to.

A few minutes have passed and the two finally finished cooking me grilled chicken. "It's not much but I hope you will enjoy it." Hyuck smiled and gave me a fork and knife to use. I took a slice of it and raised a thumb at them. "It tastes delicious. You two never disappoint me."

Donghyuck pressed a finger on his forehead and dramatically scoffed. "Why, I am the one who planned to cook that for you, after all." Yena pinched his arm and pointed at herself. "But I added spices to your plain-looking chicken. If it weren't for me, yours would have looked like it was made for lowly people."

"Are you saying Eunice is a lowly person?"

"No, but you are."

I snapped my fingers twice to shut them up. "Guys, please prevent fighting in front of me. I'm already calm so don't make my demon come out." I said and finished my food. I went to the sink to wash it. Donghyuck poked my shoulder, saying, "I'll go up now. I'm sleepy."

Nodding, I let him. "Good night. You, too, Yena. As long as I can remember, there's an extra sleeping bag in the closet." She saluted as a way of saying yes while Donghyuck took a bottle of milk. I looked at him and squinted my eyes. He only pouted. "I would sleep better if I drink this!"

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