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Third Person's POV

The girl whose name was Kailynne smiled menacingly at the prince and walked towards him, her glass slippers clacking on the tiled floors. "I'm glad you still know my name.. after all these years." She said, prolonging the word 'all'.

Jaemin kept his eyes on her as she continued to stride. "It just had been four years. What do you want?" He asked while backing away, hiding Yena and Donghyuck behind him. The boy held the prince's arm and pushed it aside, standing up in front of him. "Don't make me hide, Jaemin. She's also my enemy."

Kailynne clasped her hands together and chuckled. "Oh, hello there, Donghyuck. It has been three years, isn't it?" She slowly circled around them, looking at their eyes that holds both bravery and cowardice. Hyuck's frown became deeper. "I'm never going to forgive you for what you did."

She suddenly laughed and clutched her stomach, like what he said was the most absurd joke she has ever heard of. "You are ridiculous, boy. I wasn't asking for forgiveness, though? And what did I do? I did so much that I can't seem to recall them," She uttered and stopped in front of Yena. "Hello."

"Go to hell, donkey ass." Yena retorted, forming her hands into fists. Kailynne tilted her head to the side and her eyes glowed red. "Where do you think I came from..?" She let out a piercing shriek, forcing the three of them to cover their ears.

Returning to her place before Jaemin, she put a hand on her waist and grinned. "And to answer your question, Jaemin," She wrapped her long slender fingers on his chin and raised it, trying to make him look at her bloody red eyes. "I want you."

He smacked her arm away and glared. "Never. You can't force love, Kailynne." He said, making the smile on her lips disappear. She sent the prince a blank stare and crossed her arms over her chest. "Let me rephrase that; I wanted you. I'm not going to love you again after what you have done."

"I never did anything to hurt you!" Kailynne smacked her palm over his cheek, immediately silencing the boy she used to admire. "Not physically, but you emotionally did." She replied lowly, her eyes starting to water.

Donghyuck raised a finger and pointed at her. "Hey, the both of us are still here. If you forgot, you willingly cursed me because of a stupid reason!" He raised his voice and was now breathing heavily. His lover placed an arm on his chest to calm him down.

She only spared him a glance before looking away, rolling her eyes. "Stop being pressed about it. I cursed you for a reason." Hyuck chuckled sarcastically and threw his arms in the air, finding her words a joke. "Oh, yeah? Because I accidentally bumped on you?" He scoffed.

Turning back to him, she put her right elbow on her other hand that was over her stomach. "No, you ass," She pointed at him and Yena. "I cursed the both of you to serve as my trackers. The one who will be able to see you would avenge me, who is Eunice, but unfortunately, she turned her back on me and tried to live a happily ever after with you." She then looked at Jaemin.

Now that his fiancée was mentioned, his eyes warmed again. "She just wanted to live a happy life! Are you the reason that she died, huh? Tell me!" Kailynne brought out her black magic wand and shut him up with a harmless spell. "Don't you raise your voice at me! And yes," She sighed and grinned wickedly.

"I am the reason why she died. Any objections?" The spell quickly wavered and he marched towards the girl in front of him who murdered his lover. "You! How dare you?! Why did you take her life away? What did she do to you?" He tried to hold back himself from hitting her. He grabbed his hair and fell on the floor, a crying mess again.

Kailynne glared at him with a still figure. "She betrayed me, Jaemin. She was supposed to kill you and avenge my broken heart but what did she do?? She cancelled it and accepted your offer of being her wife. No!" She placed a foot on his knee and let the slipper's sharp heel dig into his skin.

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