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Third Person's POV

With the help of Renée, Eunice fancied herself in front of the mirror. From her hair, face and clothing, everything was chosen and applied well. She was already pretty as she already is but her small transformation made her even more gorgeous.

"You can open your eyes now, Miss Eunice," Renee told her and when she did, she saw her reflection that didn't seem much like her. Just a different side of her personality, like the mask she is wearing for her revenge.

Her personal maid giggled while fixing up the things she used to tidy up Eunice. "I can see why the prince is very much interested in you." She complimented. With a wicked grin plastered on her lips, she asked in a sweet voice, "You really think so?"

Renée clasped her hands together and nodded excitedly. "Of course! Look at yourself, Miss. You are as beautiful as the first flower that blooms after winter. Besides, you're one of the sweetest people I have met, maybe the same goes to His Highness."

Eunice stood up from her chair and smiled at her maid. "Thank you for calming me down, Renée. I'm really nervous to personally talk with the King and Queen. I hope I would not mess up." She exclaimed and patted her forehead lightly.

"Of course you wouldn't, Miss. From what I can see, you walk so elegantly it's impossible anyone could see a single flaw from how you stride. I hope you would be more confident about yourself." Renée said with a big smile.

Once again, Eunice thanked her and roamed her eyes on the floor to find her glass slippers. When she saw it in front of her, she slipped her feet inside and it looked like they glinted when she wore them. "Now that is the real owner of the slippers." Renée clapped happily.

"You flatter me, Renée. Can you please guide me to the dining room?" She nodded and stepped out of the room first while Eunice followed behind her. When they were near the staircase, Renée suddenly stopped and pointed at something downstairs. "I think someone is already waiting for you, Miss."

She raised a brow at her maid and went to look down at the direction where she's motioning. There stood Jaemin wearing his favorite prince attire, hair slightly moved to the side, exposing a small portion of his forehead.

He looked just like the first time Eunice saw him at the ball; handsome and majestic. At the first sight, she fell in love but not this time. She didn't forget to put up her act and let out a small gasp upon seeing him.

The girl slowly descended down the stairs and in every step she took, Jaemin can feel his heartbeat increase. She looks even more beautiful wearing that pink dress with a bow on the side of her waist. Her hair was a bit wavy and the touches on her face weren't too thick and exaggerated.

As she got nearer, he held out his hand and she placed hers on it. Jaemin looked at her in the eyes and leaned it to kiss the back of her hand. "The moon isn't present tonight so I guess it's your turn to shine." He mumbled it but Eunice heard it and so she blushed.

He let go of her and offered her his arm. She linked hers with his and they walked towards the dining room in simultaneous steps. The prince glances at her every now and then to admire her beauty and she will sometimes notice him doing it. She only smiled at him and they arrived at the dining room.

The guards opened the doors for them and the couple strided inside. Eunice didn't have the time to scan her eyes around the huge room since what caught her attention are the dishes already placed on the long table. She immediately hid her hunger and presented herself in front of the rulers.

"Father, I introduce you to Eunice, the girl I met at the ball. This is her this time, I promise." He said and gave the girl a reassuring smile. She bowed at the King and smiled. "It's an honor personally meeting you, Your Majesty."

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