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Third Person's POV

Eunice finished eating first and told the other two she would be in town to buy more groceries since they were running out of it. Yena and Donghyuck mindlessly nodded, still halfway through their beef brisket.

When they made sure that Eunice has left the house with the bag of coins Lady Tremaine gave her, Yena rubbed her palms on her face and gently slapped her cheeks. "I can't empty my plate. What she just said earlier has been disturbing my mind for minutes now." She groaned then sighed.

"Do you have any idea on what it means?" Hyuck asked while eating the last slice of his brisket. She shrugged and nodded. "I guess so. After Venea wore the slippers and as she was walking back to the palace, I saw the bottom of her feet from inside the slippers. They were bloody."

The boy almost spat the water he was drinking from what she said. "Was what?" Yena bit her nails and spoke further. "I know I'm not hallucinating. I mean the shoes are baby blue of color yet clear and seriously, the bottom was darker than the skin above that part. I can't be mistaken."

Donghyuck snapped his fingers, making her look at him. "What if that is the meaning of 'bloodshed' that Eunice talked about earlier?" She nodded and shifted her gaze around the room. "I already know that. It's already a fact. The real question is why do they want the girls to suffer more?"

He slowly nodded after processing her words inside his head and rubbed his chin knowingly. "Good point, good point. Wow, Skylar is unreasonable." Hyuck looked at Yena when she raised a brow. "Or is she not?" His own brows then furrowed. "What do you mean?"

"What if there is a reason behind her plan? Yes, there may be villains in story books who only does this for fun, but that is the very small minority. If you look at the majority, they have reasons why they did it.. mostly revenge for something," She chuckled and shook her head. "Did I just consider Skylar a villain?"

Hyuck rolled his eyes. "Because she is, obviously. And now that I think about it, you're actually right. And, she's using Eunice to make that plan work." Yena pointed at him and grinned. "Yes, exactly. Also, did you ever think that fairy godmothers could be this.. evil? Or is it just Skylar?" Somehow, that made him laugh.

"Maybe just her," He replied and scratched his head. "Anyway, I feel like I could really take a bath right now." As Donghyuck was fetching a towel from outside, along with his original clothes that Eunice cleaned, Yena folded her arms and nodded. "That's right, before I scold you again."

Donghyuck only stuck out his tongue at her before getting inside the bathroom. "At least I get to be refreshed first." She rolled her eyes and laughed. "Hey, it's your first time showering first so I would let you be. It's your accomplishment and I don't want to take your happiness away. You are too into it." She said, giggling.

He popped his head out of the door and glared at her. "I have been complaining about my body odor ever since yesterday. My lavender fragrance is only available for three days." He clarified and then went back in, locking the door.

Yena just shrugged and stayed silent until Hyuck would be done with his business. She then realized that her dress is torn and dirty so she went outside to see if Eunice washed the other dress she has. Her face lit up when she saw it along with the shorts for underneath it and claimed them from the clothing rack.

She also took her own towel and when she went inside, Donghyuck was finished showering. He stepped out of the bathroom while drying his hair using his towel. He suddenly smirked and motioned inside the unoccupied room. "Do you want me to accompany you inside, my lady?"

Squinting her eyes at him, she stepped in and while closing the door slowly, said, "I will seriously find a way to shoot you, Lee Donghyuck." The boy laughed and waved his hand at her. While he was waiting for Yena to finish, he washed their plates and utensils and even wiped the table clean.

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