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Third Person's POV

Donghyuck and Yena immediately rushed to the palace, leaving their friends behind. They promised to clean the house and bury the coffins while they warn the prince about Eunice's true intentions. They still have no evidence to why she would do such a thing but if she can do it to her step family, she can do it to Jaemin.

She was so heart broken when the prince cancelled the search and she suddenly disappeared with her footprint as the only trace of her. Skylar must have taken Eunice with her and was able to convince her to poison Lady Tremaine and her daughters and maybe kill the prince as revenge from shattering her.

Yena's heart was beating so fast as they ran towards the castle. She didn't even care that she was running barefoot. They just had to get to where they want to be and warn the prince.. or even get to persuade him to forget about the thought of marrying Eunice until she gets her normal self back.

"You do know we're fifty percent banned, right?" Hyuck asked her while they were running side by side. She nodded, her hair blowing with the wind. "I know, but Jaemin must have listened to us because he cancelled the search after Haddeline died. He might show that he doesn't care but he would keep the reminder in his head. I hope he's not stupid."

The boy laughed breathlessly. "I hope so, too," The two finally arrived at the palace and saw the same guards near the front doors. "What do we do with them?" He whispered. Yena lightly pushed his face away and said, "We don't have the time to plan." She snapped and ran to the front doors.

Her lover's jaw dropped in shock when she opened the two heavy doors on her own. "Damn, that's hot." He whispered to himself and followed Yena inside. The guards noticed what was going on and they chased the girl. Donghyuck only passed by and grinned at them before putting himself behind the girl to protect her from the guards.

"Your Highness! Prince Jaemin!" She called out and went around the place to search for him. "God, where the hell is that guy? Your Highness!" She shouted louder. "Miss, please stop!" One of the guards tried to shut her up but she threateningly pointed a finger at the both of them.

"Can the both of you just shut up? Stop telling me what to do! If we don't warn the prince about his future bride's intentions, he is going to die! Why don't you go guard the front doors again? I'm not here to make a mess and if you think I am causing a scene right now, yes I am but I am only nagging at you two nut-brained crackheads!"

Hyuck locked her arms behind her and mumbled words into her ears to calm her down. Before she could continue to throw hands, a voice then echoed throughout the whole place, "What is happening?" The guards immediately bowed while the other two looked at who it is.

Yena pointed at him with her hands and chuckled. "Look who finally decided to show up. Your Highness," She then fell down on her knees and begged before Jaemin. "Please listen to us. We seriously mean no harm and we just want to warn you about your bride."

The prince raised a brow and folded his arms. "Eunice? Isn't she your friend? If you are her friend, why are you warning me about her? Do you not want her to get married? Are you against us? Is—" Hyuck quickly grabbed her arms again before she could smack Jaemin's mouth.

"Calm down, Yena. Collect yourself." He whispered to her and she inhaled and exhaled. "Okay, alright. So Jaemin, please, let me speak first. I said we mean no harm, but Eunice does. You know why? Well, you see, lately, she's been allies with this so-called fairy godmother of hers and probably convinced her to kill her step family.

"If you only knew how much that girl cried when you cancelled the search for her. She may have thought you didn't continue the search because you really don't love her and her godmother was able to persuade her to get revenge on you so that means you are going to die soon if you don't break up with her or bring her back to normal."

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