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Third Person's POV

It was early in the morning and Eunice was awoken by her consciousness, telling her to get up and make breakfast, like the usual. It has been her daily routine ever since so she sat up from her bed, undisturbed by the fact that she has to prepare food for three of her family members.

She didn't know where Donghyuck and Yena went off to again last night. When she returned from town, they were nowhere to be found and she has a guess that maybe they are trying to save another girl. What is with them being all heroic? She will still end up dying anyway.

Her thoughts were cut off when she saw the said two in their beds, sleeping quietly. Somehow their presence felt different, not because she was bothered by them sneaking in someone's business but something she can't put her finger on.

Eunice shrugged it off and tidied herself then headed to the kitchen. As soon as she was gone, Yena jolted awake from a strange dream; first one is that she and Donghyuck didn't really go back to being humans and the second is that her feet fit into the glass slippers.

She shook her head and slapped her cheeks to calm herself down. "That's impossible. Eunice has smaller feet than me. I won't wear it, and I am never going to." She nodded and breathed out. Yena then glanced beside her and saw Hyuck still sound asleep.

Standing up from her bed, she decided to make hot cocoa for herself and later for Hyuck when he wakes up. Her eyes travelled to Eunice's bed and saw it empty. She assumed she was downstairs and her feet led her to the first floor of the house.

When she entered the kitchen, Eunice was still mixing her special chicken soup. She felt someone's presence in the room and she smiled at the blonde girl who just came inside. "Oh, good morning, Yena. What are you doing up so early?" She asked while tasting the food.

"I woke up from a bad dream and my drowsiness is gone so I'm here. I'm going to make hot cocoa, would you like one?" To be honest, Yena is still annoyed with her but it's that spell Skylar had put into her. She knows deep inside, the real Eunice would never do or think such a thing. She got this far not murdering her step family.

Eunice smiled and put some spices in the soup. "Yes, please. I will add extra toast to your pasta, if so." Yena grinned brightly. Oh, she loves another toast to eat. She nodded then went to make hot cocoa for the two of them, including the now human pudu upstairs.

Both of the girls were busy with their own works and oftenly brings up random topics but Yena tried her best to not talk about the girls, her change of attitude, Skylar, everything irregular about the things that's happening around them. To control herself, she keeps reminding her consciousness that she will get an extra toast for breakfast if she won't piss off Eunice and successfully, it worked.

"Yena, I will just give the soup upstairs. Can you please strain the pasta so I can just put it on the plates later?" Eunice raised a brow at Yena while  placing the last tray on her hand. The latter nodded obediently. "Of course. The hot cocoa is done so you can drink yours when you get back."

Eunice then slid out of the room and whisper-shouted a "Thank you" before going upstairs. Yena did as she was told and let the strainer sit on top of a bowl for a few seconds. She sipped her drink and closed her eyes in satisfaction when the warmth of the drink distributed all over her body.

"Good morning." Someone suddenly said and she almost spilled her hot beverage on the floor. She glared at Donghyuck on the door way and sighed. "Don't scare me like that. My heart and mug almost dropped because of you," She yammered and handed him his mug. "It's yours. Don't need to thank me."

Hard-headed as he is, he took the mug from her and smiled, saying, "Thank you." Yena just rolled her eyes at him and their heads turned to the door when Eunice came inside. She smiled at the boy while making her way to where the strainer is. "Good morning, Hyuck."

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