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Third Person's POV

"Your Highness, where shall I put these?"

"Oh, in the wagon, please. Thank you." The servant nodded and carried the shovels to the said vehicle that was parked in front of the palace. The prince checked the last needed material and gave the list to his butler.

The man turned to him while keeping the list. "Shall we be going now, Your Highness?" He asked. Jaemin nodded his head and started walking to the carriage that was prepared as well. Doyoung followed closely behind him and the footman opened the door for the both of them.

As the men went inside, the door closed and the carriage drove towards the forest that Jaemin was familiar of. The servant who he talked with earlier rode in the wagon with a few other men, a brown horse carrying it. The prince was quiet during the entire ride, a small smile visible on his lips.

This smile was a sincere one. It's around ten in the morning of the thirteenth of August, his birthday. The weather wasn't quite good. There was no sun to be seen and it was cloudy, looking like it's going to rain any sooner if the skies gets darker.

He could still vividly remember the first hour he spent with her. Time was too fast, sadly, though they spent all of it carefully. They danced around the clearing, happily celebrated his birthday and kissed more than they ever did when she was still alive.

She laughed and smiled like never before and stayed close to him the entire time. Jaemin held her tight, afraid to let go of her. "You know I have to go soon," She whispered while playing with his hair and pecked his forehead. "But I will be back in a month, and the month after that, and another.." She went on, chuckling.

"I know. It's just that.. I'm going to miss you and I can't wait to see you again." He said while giving her the nth kiss that morning. While time slowly passed by, Eunice had to go back and before leaving, she placed a long peck on his lips and booped his nose.

"Dream of me," She said and winked, hugging Jaemin. "Because a dream is a wish your heart makes." It was the last thing she uttered as she disappeared in the air while in his arms. Though she wasn't there physically, he could feel her presence somewhere and his heart was instantly healed.

Now, they are on their way to the forest to bury Kailynne. The servants with the wagon has all their equipments and tools needed for a proper burial and now, they have arrived in front of the tall trees.

There was no path for them to take so both vehicles stopped. Jaemin and his butler went off the carriage and the prince headed to the wagon to bring some materials. "Your Highness, you don't need to carry them. We'll take care of it." One of the men said.

He only gave them a smile. "Please, I insist. Follow me." He said and trudged through the trees. He was the only one who knows where her dead body was located and all the men followed behind him with shovels and a coffin. It didn't take them long and they finally arrived at the sight.

Some of them gasped when they saw her moving wooden feet, itching to dance and wander around the world. "Don't be scared. Just don't take it off or remove her feet." Jaemin reminded and the men started to dig up a deep hole for the body. The others put it inside the coffin and sealed it shut. When they were done, they helped the others with digging up.

Before long, they finally finished, their foreheads and bodies sweating buckets. Doyoung then handed them out sandwiches and drinks. It was Jaemin's order to let them rest for a while before burying Kailynne.

When they have their breaths back, they placed the coffin inside the hole and started covering it up. They were quicker this time and they were done in just a few minutes. Jaemin thanked all of them for helping him and one of the men placed a tomb stone on the lump of dirt.

Jaemin suggested he will write her name and her date of birth and death, including what she was known for. Using the finest ink in the kingdom, he started to write on the stone.

He let it dry and after making sure it was settled, the prince stood up from crouching on the ground and took one last glance at the words he wrote before walking away.

MAY 16, 20XX - AUGUST 10, 20XX


[ END. ]

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