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Third Person's POV

Yena ran through the dark forest, not even minding about the multiple branches that scraped her hands, cheeks, and even her arm, especially the bruised part. Some spikes cut small portions of her dress and her hair was messy from being ruffled by random leaves.

"Wait! Yena!" Donghyuck called out from behind and tried to grab her but she was walking too fast. She continued to sob and messed up her hair more, completely unhappy on what happened. "This is my fault. I know I should have stopped Venea from taking the shoes. I'm so stupid."

Thankfully, the boy was then able to catch up and pulled her arm then engulfed her in a tight hug. "Don't blame yourself. I'm not begging, that's an order." He said and closed his eyes, silently praying Yena would calm down and not blame her conscience.

"Why did we even talk to Eunice after she said that she doesn't want the slippers? We let Venea leave then die. I'm so reckless. I could have done better," She cried out, lightly punching Hyuck's chest in anger. "I hate me so much."

He immediately shushed her and patted her back. "Never say that, Yena. It's not your fault and also not mine. Just remember what you said to me and apply it to yourself." He said and tightened his grip on her to make her stop moving around.

She exhaled and it came out trembling. "I know she was being kind of a rude girl or whatever in our encounter but I.. I feel so sad. Why can't we do one right thing, Hyuck? Are we always that late or we're just irresponsible?" She gripped on his shirt and only sobbed in a muffled tone.

"The time was ahead of us, Yena. Please, don't blame yourself any longer." He whispered. Yena's heart softened at the sound of his honey-like voice and hearing him tell her to stop crying makes her want to do it, so she did.

Slowly pulling away from him, she wiped the tears in her eyes and nodded, letting out a heavy sigh. "Okay." The sight of her finally calming down made Donghyuck smile. He patted her shoulders and flattened her hair which seemed to be sticking out in any direction.

"Do you want to get some sleep at Lady Tremaine's?" She frowned and shook her head. "No. I don't want to look at Eunice right now. We will still have a talk with her tomorrow.. specifically later," She suddenly raised a brow when Hyuck bent down in front of her, his back facing her. "What are you doing?"

"I will carry you. I know you're tired. Let's sleep at the shed for tonight." He said and pulled her to him. Yena pouted, having second thoughts on going on Hyuck's back but she ended up doing so. She tiredly rested her head on his back, her eyes slowly closing.

Donghyuck could hear her soft snores from behind and while the girl is already asleep, he trudged through the dark night, trying to find the shed they found. It didn't take him more than two minutes to arrive at the said place.

He carefully opened the creaky worn out door of the shed and turned on the kerosene lamp on top of a wooden table. He then slid Yena's sleeping figure down on the mattress that they both share and he put himself beside her; not too near and not too far.

The drowsiness was not kicking in yet and he remembered Eunice's strange behavior earlier. Why didn't she wear the shoes? Is it really necessary for the prince to save the princess? But wasn't she desperate nor tired of waiting for him? All their problems would have been solved if she didn't go cuckoo.

That made him recall about what she said yesterday morning; when she said she was thirsty for something that has the color of wine. Blood. Is the event last night one of the causes of Skylar's tea on driving their friend crazy? Did that so-called fairy godmother purposely let Eunice love the sight of blood?

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