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Third Person's POV

Another day dawned upon her and surprisingly, her sleep was much more comfortable than it ever had been in her entire life. She finds anything she sleeps on relaxing but last night was just different. She might not have dreamt but she woke up in a good mood.

Stretching her arms up in the air, she yawned and looked around with eyes squinted. It took her vision a lot of time to get used to the lighting that was emitted by the sun. She scratched her left shoulder and patted her messy hair.

It was around eight in the morning and she can hear the birds' happy chirping in the distance. Eunice rubbed her eyes and removed the thick duvet over her body, putting her feet on the floor. She wore another set of footwear, one that is more comfortable than her glass ones.

She stood up and walked over to the balcony, breathing in the fresh air. She was still a bit drowsy but without knowing, she was suddenly smiling. She was scared of herself at that moment when her mind recalled what was the cause of that happiness.

The kiss last night.. yes, that was it. Eunice pursed her lips and put her palms over her heating cheeks. Lightly nibbling on her lower lip, she let out a small squeal and moved around the place. With a wide smile, she pinched herself again and again, still trying to believe that what happened yesterday wasn't just a dream.

Did he really give her that good night kiss? God, she never felt so loved before, she thinks she's seriously going deranged. She bit her nails and wished that she would spend the rest of the day with him again. She wouldn't mind, not at all.

The simplest things that he did to her was making her fall in love with him deeper. What is he doing to her? What is this sorcery he has possession of? She feels like she's been hypnotized by him every second. If this feeling for him is a sin, then she shall never repent.

Should she just give up on this stupid revenge plan after knowing he actually really loves her? It would serve no purpose if she continues it. If she does, she would might as well kill herself for killing Jaemin. She can't find the strength to hurt him. He's such a beautiful human being.

A loud knock on the door made her jump up in shock and she cursed whoever was there inside her head. Collecting herself first, she looked at herself in the mirror and told them to come in. She folded her arms at Renée who went inside with her breakfast.

Her personal maid grinned and placed the tray on her bedside table. "Good morning, Miss Eunice!" She greeted with joy in her voice and put her hands behind her back. "I'm just here to drop off your breakfast and then I will leave you alone, don't worry. Also, the prince asked me to tell you that you will meet up with him after taking a bath."

Eunice nodded her head and took out clothes to wear for today. She chose a white polo blouse, topping it with a red velvet coat and a pencil skirt with the same color. She grabbed her bathrobe and went inside the bathroom. "Alright. Thank you. You may leave now." She said and Renée bowed at her before exiting her chambers. She then locked the door and did her business in the bathroom, washing up her hair and body.

When she was done cleaning up, she changed into the outfit she chose and dried her hair with a towel. While Eunice was busy with what she was doing, she suddenly remembered that she left her face cream inside the drawer on her bedside table.

Sighing, she went outside her bathroom and her eyes formed into balls when she saw Jaemin standing in the middle of the room, observing every single thing he could see. He heard her footsteps and his gaze turned to her.

It was still early in the morning and she is already feeling this way. Did no one tell him she wasn't ready? She still hadn't calmed down from her thoughts right after she woke up and now Jaemin shows up without reminding her. Wait, Renée did say he's going to meet her after she takes a bath.

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