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Third Person's POV

The chirping of the birds and the gentle breeze of the wind blowing inside the bedroom managed to wake up Eunice from her sleep. Slowly fluttering her eyes open, the place around her was quite unfamiliar. She finally remembered what had happened and smiled.

She then heard a groan from behind her. His grip around her waist tightened and he buried his face deeper on her shoulder. She lightly touched his fingertips that were on her stomach and sighed.

Eunice was in Jaemin's chambers and he was hugging her from behind. After what happened last night, he told her to spend the night with him even though it's not allowed yet. They could only sleep in one room after getting married, but Jaemin broke the rule and here she was.

Nothing unholy happened last night, just cuddling and him whispering sweet words to her. She couldn't almost sleep from being so happy, but her eyelids betrayed her and she dozed off so quick. From dusk till dawn, they hadn't let go of each other once. Her morning couldn't get any better. Just as she thought yesterday was the happiest, this day came. What more if tomorrow comes?

It was still early in the morning but Eunice was now wide awake. She knows Jaemin is still asleep so she just looked down on his fingers and played with them. Her gaze fell on her own, smiling wider after seeing the ring. She took it off to study it and she was absolutely happy.

She knows it was ridiculous of him to propose to her two days before the day of their wedding but whatever. All that matters now is that they're getting married. Eunice slid it back on her ring finger and let the rays of the sun hit the small diamond on top of it.

Jaemin let out a sigh and opened an eye, seeing his fiancée looking at the ring he gave her. "Good morning." He murmured and placed a quick peck on her neck. Eunice was taken aback and she held the part where his lips just had been. "Jaemin..!"

Smirking, he pulled away from her and sat up. "What? Did you have a good night's sleep?" He asked and crossed his legs. Eunice also did the same, replying, "Of course. Why wouldn't I?" The prince showed his usual beautiful smile and pursed his lips. "Me, too." Without telling her, he brought her left hand up and kissed the back of it.

Eunice chuckled and shook her head. "Na Jaemin, if they find out we broke tradition — that I slept here in your room — they would banish me. I have to go back to my bedroom." She said while pouting. "Already..?" She laughed and nodded at him. He sighed and pretended to sulk. "Mmh, fine."

As she was standing up from the bed, Jaemin sat on the edge and held her hand again. She raised a brow at him while wearing her slippers. He didn't say anything and just pouted. Chuckling, Eunice took his face on her hands and leaned down to kiss him.

He suddenly bit her lower lip, causing for her to gasp and Jaemin held her nape to keep her in place. He did wonders to her mouth and Eunice let him be, feeling her nose and cheeks getting warm. He kissed her hard like it was the last time even though it's just probably the seventh or less.

She was at loss of breath again and pulled away from their kiss. Eunice knew she would be meeting his eyes and she bit her lower lip, face burning from what they just did. "God, why did you do something like that?" She asked in a small voice and covered her red face.

Jaemin giggled at her being flustered and stood up to hug her. "Because I wanted to," He replied and placed a soft kiss on her head. "Come on, I'll take you to your room." He grinned and grabbed her hand, pulling her out of his bedroom.

"What—are you crazy, Jaemin??" She frantically looked around the place to see if someone is already up at this hour. "We might get caught!" She whisper-shouted. He just shushed her and suddenly ran. "Ssh, trust me. No one will if you only stay quiet."

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