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Eunice's POV

I woke up earlier than I usually do. The sun was still rising up when I looked out of the window and the birds didn't sing their songs on their branches yet. I decided to drink a mug of hot cocoa to make myself warm in the early hours of the morning.

I stood up from my bed and saw Yena and Donghyuck still asleep but they were facing each other. To be honest, they would actually look cute together. I also noticed that Hyuck was hugging his empty bottle while snoring loudly. How I wish I could get them painted in a portrait.

Silently, I headed towards the kitchen and made a hot drink. After I was done making it, I sat on a stool and enjoyed the quietness that surrounds me. It didn't last for long because I suddenly remembered my plead to my godmother.

Jewel, that girl..

My grip on the mug became tighter as I continued to think about that woman's actions from yesterday. I no longer had the joy of enjoying my hot cocoa and I quickly finished drinking it. I put it in the sink and went back up to my bedroom.

I sat on the windowsill and brought my feet outside. The gentle breeze was quite cold but because of the hot drink I consumed just earlier, it didn't make me shiver much.

The castle looked back at me and I know Jewel had a wonderful morning waking up on a queen-sized bed with thick pillows underneath her head and a duvet on top of her body to keep her warm. I despised that woman as soon as her feet slipped in my shoes.

I wonder what my fairy godmother did to her. Did she poison that girl? Got herself murdered? Broken any of her bones? How I wish all of my thoughts happened to her. I hate her guts and ugh, that cocky smile she gave me before leaving.

She will pay for all her faults.

I turned my head inside the room when I heard Hyuck suddenly harmonizing, as if he was singing. I chuckled and diverted my eyes back to the castle. I hope my fairy godmother is doing something now.

"Snap out of it, Eunice," I told myself and slapped my cheek. "Breathe in, breathe out. Calm down, be patient," Sighing, I formed my hands into fists and massaged my knuckles. "Good things take time. It's not like she would die this instant."

Yena yawned and greeted me a 'good morning' when she saw me sitting on the windowsill. "Good morning." I shortly replied and hugged my knees. I glanced at Yena and smirked when I caught her staring at Hyuck's sleeping figure. "You do like him."

She laughed like I said something ridiculous. Maybe I did.. for her. "I just glanced at him for a few seconds because he looks so peaceful. He's only this pleasant when he's asleep," She said and walked towards me. "Did you have a good night's sleep?"

I shrugged. "Not really, but it wasn't so bad so I'm fine." My dream last night was peculiar of me. It ended up me murdering Jewel in different ways. It would be a sight to see. Sadly, it only happened in my head.

Yena and I chatted more as the sun slowly went up. I was preparing myself to make breakfast for Mother and my stepsisters when Donghyuck was finally awoken. He squinted his eyes at me then at Yena and he groaned when he looked at her. "Oh, what an unpleasant view at such time in the morning."

She attempted to throw her shoe at him but I immediately stopped her. Geez, they are so violent towards each other. I wonder how they get along most of the time. "Why do you two hate each other so much?" I asked while tying my hair up.

"He almost left me to die. He abandoned me on the road while a carriage was approaching and that darn pudu just stole a bread from a stall. I was injured at that time too because someone tried to shoot me!" She took a deep breath and turned her back on us.

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