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Third Person's POV

After they were done putting up the painting on the wall, Eunice told Jaemin she wants to take a walk around again, to continue the adventure she accidentally cut off yesterday because of following the music of the piano. The prince volunteered to come with her and she let him.

The two strolled in the palace, the silence wrapping them in a comfortable manner. Eunice have no plans on speaking up and so does Jaemin. The atmosphere wasn't awkward nor unsettling and they only enjoyed each other's company.

While her eyes scanned across the ceiling and walls, he glances at her every now and then to see her reaction regarding the interior of the structure. Even if she is no engineer, architect or artist, he wants to know her opinion about the littlest of things.

In Jaemin's eyes, she looked elegant in her bright purple dress with sleeves that covers her entire arms. Her hair was tied into a low loose ponytail and her outfit was paired with a choker and of course, her glass slippers. She seemed to enjoy their walk because she smiles at everything the castle has.

His mind recalled the event earlier when Eunice suddenly hugged him out of the blue. It genuinely shocked him and he got flustered. It's okay for him if it was the other way around but she made the first move.. and that was only accidental. What more if she does something like that on purpose?

Oh, he would faint. He might be exaggerating so much but yes he would. He can remember how her touch feels like very well. He is right; it felt like home. She felt so fragile and delicate that he wants to hug her instead, but not too tight, of course.

"We're done already?" Jaemin snapped out of his thoughts and looked at Eunice who was pouting. "It was nice, though," Their heads turned to the clock tower outside when its bell rang. "It's lunch time. Where should we eat?" She glanced at Jaemin and raised a brow.

He shrugged and smiled. "How about in the cottage?" Eunice squealed and clapped her hands in delight. "Sure! Come on, let's grab our food and take them there ourselves. We don't want anyone to know where it's located, right? After all, it is called a hiding spot." She said and laughed while dragging him downstairs.

For someone small like her, she's a quick runner. He couldn't almost keep up with her speed but thanks to his long legs, he was able to catch up and the both of them were finally at the first floor. Eunice looked up at where they came from and squinted her eyes. "We went all the way from the third floor?"

Jaemin nodded his head and she chuckled while catching her breath. "No wonder I feel tired." She responded and when her breathing was normal again, she continued to walk towards the kitchen while he followed her. They went inside and Eunice returned her gaze to him. "Where's the kitchen? Let's take what we can and put it in a picnic basket."

The prince pointed at another door on the left and they went there to grab food for themselves. By the time they entered, all the kitchen staff stopped whatever they were doing and bowed at them. "Please return to your stations." Jaemin ordered and not even a second has passed when they are busy again.

"Your Highness," What Eunice assumed was the head chef walked to them and bowed. "What are you doing here? The foods are still getting prepared. If you want, you can sit on the dining table and wait." His tag name read 'Kun'.

Waving his hand, Jaemin only smiled. "Oh, no. We're here to take as many food as we can. We will eat somewhere instead," Kun nodded his head and told two guys to pack lunches for the couple. "They will be placed in a picnic basket, yes?" The prince nodded.

Kun then motioned them to the door. "Just wait outside, Your Highnesses. I will bring your picnic basket out in a ditch. Give us a minute." He exclaimed and went back inside the packed kitchen. The two shared looks and suddenly chuckled for no reason.

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