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There I am, on my knees in front of King Maven, I did as he told, "Kneel," His words ring in my head, as much as I wanted to zap him with my dancing lightning, I couldn't, the anger was replaced when I saw the old Maven trying to come out, but that old Maven is gone, his mother did that to him.

I can hear other Silvers scream, yelling in protest to kill me right then and there. I have no one to save me now. Cal and Shade are locked up, Maven didn't keep his word on that. Kilorn is who knows where, safe, hopefully. Maven gets down to my level, on one knee.

"Lightning girl, finally surrendering," he whispers, his words kill me.

"I am not surrendering your kingness, just putting a smile on your face for once,"

"Oh I see what this is, just a show then,"

"If you're going to kill me, just get it over with," I fight the tears from escaping my dark eyes, I will not let him see me cry.

He stands up again, me looking up at his broad body, he looks at his guards surrounding him, they exchange dialogue that I can't hear. The guards look at me, and grab my shoulders, lifting me up. I stand with 2 guards at my side, staring into Maven's blue ocean eyes. His betrayal still stings, this was the same face he made not so long ago.

His words still ring in my head. "You could have been my Red Queen, now you are nothing," His gaze makes me want to yell, and scream until my voice wouldn't let me anymore. A smirk grew on his face, he looked down on me, he wasn't that much taller than me, not as tall as Cal. Where was Cal when I needed him most? In a jail cell, that's where. Another thing Maven took from me.

"Kill her," Maven walked away and sat on top of his throne, with Cal's crown on his head. The guards threw me onto the floor. I could almost hear the sword blade being drawn. Tears streamed down my cheeks, I deserve this, I've killed too many innocents, I can't be redeemed. I'm sorry Cal. I'm sorry Shade. I'm sorry everyone, for not being enough.

"STOP!" A familiar voice shouts out from the crowd. I manage enough strength to turn my head. Kilorn. No, not now. He had shouted to end my sacrifice. Maven stood up, brushing off his robes as he stood.

"Kilorn," I mutter, hardly loud enough for anyone to hear my squeak.


Apparently Maven heard me, like he always does.

"I've heard so much about you," Maven steps down into the crowd, everyone parting for him to reach Kilorn.

"All bad I hope,"

"I thought you of all people would never set foot here again,"

"And here I am, stopping my best friends execution,"

"About that, what makes you think you have the right to do that, you are just a Red,"

"Because I love her,"

Tears stream down my cheeks, I knew he felt that way, but not to the point that he tries to save me.

"Kill me instead of her, I've done as much, if not more damage than her,"

Kilorn no. His lies are killing me, burning me. I want to break free and slap him back to his senses. But I can't.

Maven makes a fireball in his palm. My tears are coming so fast I can't stop them from coming. Kilorn is sacrificing himself for me. Maven would kill both of us anyway. Kilorn's green eyes meet mine, he looks so sad, but he is covering it up.

Maven's eyes meet mine; I pull away from Kilorn's gaze and look to him. He sees my tears. He is seeing me cry.

His fire dies, he walks away from Kilorn and back up to where I am being held.

"Take him to the cells, he can live,"

I sigh a small sigh of sadness, but also relief, even though I still know that today I might die.

"And take her," I can feel Maven's eyes on me, but I don't even move to meet his. "Take her to Whitefire, I must speak with her,"

I am lifted up, I see Kilorn being led away in the corner of my eye. My wet cheeks are still wet, I can't dry them. Maven stopped my killing and didn't kill Kilorn.



Mare is being held by my guards, obeying my orders. I couldn't kill Mare. I couldn't kill Kilorn. Her best friend. I couldn't kill the one girl I love. I walk away from my crowd. I love the crown, but I also love Mare. I know that Mare won't love me back, but that will change.

Mare is behind me; I can feel her eyes on me. Feisty as always.

Once we get into the main hall, I flick my hand to dismiss the guards. Just me and Mare.

The main hall is empty, my throne sits in the middle of the far wall, made of diamonds and metalwork from House Samos. Chandeliers hang from the ceiling, glistening when they are lit, making the room dance from the sparkles of the jewels.

I sit down onto my throne before speaking to Mare, hoping to make the impression that she is here under my words and commands. Her wrists have Silent Stone bracelets so she doesn't electrocute me at her given desire.

Mare looks at me, slumped, disappointed in herself with choosing to be with me. She has dark circles under her eyes as if she hasn't slept in months, her clothes are covered in her own blood from battle. Her brown locks with lightened tips are tattered, she is just skin and bones. Her eyes are filled with emotion that could spill out at any given moment. Anger. Sadness. Grief.

The look she gives me is chilling. She is angered with me. Not me, the monster my mother created, the monster she made me, the son she wanted me to be. But ever since Mare killed her, that son doesn't have anyone to live up to anymore, the monster of a Maven is gone. I hope that Mare can see beyond him and see me. The me that fell for Mare.

In this main hall, the throne room I call home, it's just her. Mare and I.

Just like I wanted.

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