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"Push! Push! Push! Come now I can see the head" The nurse motivates Mac as she pushes.

She grabs Liza's hand "WHERE THE FUCK IS HE?" She groans through the pain "THIS IS HIS FAULT WE ARE IN THIS MESS" She cries through the pain "I NEED HIM" She pushes again. Liza rubs Mac's back in support.

"Come on now, one more push and you can see your baby boy" Mac screams as does her final push. There's a small moment of silence before she hears her baby cries

"Liza please go check he is ok" Happy tears stream down her face. Liza moves down the bed to met her grandson.

"Mac he is beautiful" Tears fills her eyes "Looks just like Gus"

The nurse hands Mac her baby, she takes him in her arms, her baby boy looks up at her with these big brown eyes. "Hello little one, ok so I'm your mama and I'm going to love you until the end of time" She kisses his forehead. After feeding the little one, she rests her eyes waking up the nurse are all gone and the little one is asleep in the cot next to the bed. Liza looking over him gently stroking his head. "Hey Mama, how is he?" She says in a sleepy voice.

"He is doing amazing sweetie" She moves over to the bed kissings Mac's forehead. "He is a perfect little baby not one cry. You did so well. Gus would be so proud of you" She smiles up at Liza.

"Can I have minute?" Liza nods and leaves the room for a moment. Mac pulls the cot over to the side of the bed, she moves forward looking over the cot just as he wakes up. She goes to stroke his head but he grabs her finger holding tight. "Hey little one, so introductions. I am your Mama. Sorry *she laughs* and it's me nd you buddy. I love you so much already. * She picks him up from the cot, holding him in her arms* You remind of your Daddy so much already *happy tears form her eyes* So your Daddy isn't here right now but he loves you as well. He may not be here but you'll see him soon I promise. He will always be protecting you and looking down on you. And we love you so much baby boy" She kisses his forehead "You're a perfect boy, Mama's boy" She rocks him back and forth in her arms until he falls asleep again. She puts him back in the cot as she wipes away the tears. Watching him as he sleeps she feels a wave of calm over him. Liza comes back into the room, Mac puts her finger over her mouth. She sits next to her on the bed hugging her.

"Have we got a name for this little one?" She asks Mac as they look over the perfect little boy. Mac nods.

"Yeah, Fraser Keith Elijah Åhr" She looks at Liza.

MackieRichRich Welcome to the world Fraser Keith Elijah Åhr

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MackieRichRich Welcome to the world Fraser Keith Elijah Åhr. Born 10/01/2024, 23:08. My perfect little boy, Thank you all for the support and lovely messages. Mummy and Baby are doing amazing. You don't know this world yet but I love you so much and I will protect you until the end of time. You will never be alone that is a promise and I never break my promises. Your daddy loves you so much, he will protect you until end of time. You are my world babyboy. I always said I would make you a Daddy and I did. I love you so much Gus. Mama Peep is now Grandmama Peep. Thank you for support during all of this Liza. Couldn't ask for a better Grandparent to my perfect boy. Shayna & Bexey meet your godson. For those you asking yes Malika is the other godmother but officially its Karla

Tagged LilPeep, KathrynHollowoak, MickeyPickles, Shaynay, Malika_CA, BexeySwan, MamaKarla


"Perfect Mac. He is just perfect" They sit there for a while just watching her perfect boy sleeping. She doesn't want to move incase she misses a cute moment.

"Does the feeling ever go away?" She ask Liza.

"What feeling darling?"

"The feeling that he is the most perfect boy in the world and I need to hide the cruel world from him?"

"Oh baby that feeling never goes away, It will only get stronger as he gets older. You're a Mama now" They sit watching him for hours just sleeping occasionally feeding him, Liza grabs them some food, they eat while Liza show her photos of Peep when he was a baby, telling her stories she had never heard before of his childhood. Eventually Liza announces she needs to go "Ok I got to go but I'll be back in the morning to take you two home. I love you Mackenzie" They hug "Try to get some sleep" She leaves the room. Mac watches him for a while before she falls asleep, Hearing Fraser fussing she wakes up to see Liza feeding him a bottle. "Hey what time is it?"

"It's 6:30, the nurses say you can come home at 10. They just need to do some checks on the little one first. Get some rest trust me you won't have some for a while" she laughs as the nurse wheels the cot out and Liza follows, Mac closes her eyes. She hears the door open and Frazer fussing again, but the fussing stops and cooing starts. She hears StarShopping being sung to him and he stops. Mac slowly opens her eyes and sees a figure standing over him.

"Hey babygirl" The figure moves into the light. She sees that smile that makes her weak. The figure kisses her on the forehead. "Mama said you did amazing. I'm so sorry I wasn't here. He is perfect and I love the name" He kisses her again. "I love you boo"

"Hey baby, I love you too" She smiles up at him.

Peep looks down at her holding their perfect son. Her family is complete.

Ghost Boy // Lil PeepWhere stories live. Discover now