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Mac and Gus spend the next 15 weeks writing, recoding and just preparing for tour. The tickets for his tour sold out within hours of going on sale. This only proves the faith that She already has in him and his music. So much has changed in this little time, Chloe found her own apartment in the same building as Mac. Her and Bex are kinda dating but no one really knows. They are always together but haven't really told anyone what they are. Bex is a breath of fresh for Chloe. Mac still hasn't spoke to her brother no one has, he alienated all his friends and his new girlfriend is a piece of work. Netflix should be here any moment now , the pair are really nervous for what is going to be asked, their only sense of calmness in this storm is that they have the final say in editing and what ends up in the doc.

"Baby have you started packing?" She shouts from the kitchen where she is finalising the schedule for the next 3 month tour.

Peep walks out of the bedroom "No?! Don't be silly I have a week."

"Peep Netflix are gonna be here soon We will no free time baby and we are gonna be in the studio again finalising the album and you've gotta decide the cover baby" she looks up from her laptop screen.

"Yeah I got time and I've been thinking of that. I wanna use that photo of your shadow I took a while ago" he pulls out his phone and shows her.

"Aww I love that boo. What do you want to call it?" She takes a bit out of the sandwich she made. Peep takes the other half and starts eating it. "You want one baby?" He shakes his head, she grabs a bag chips from the cupboard opening it up flat on the counter.  They both take a handful.

"I've been thinking of a few names but I think my fave is Lil Peep; part two. It's the next evolution from from first one"

"I love it hunn-" Mac sentence is broken short by their buzzer going off. She picks up the phone and the screen lights up. She can see the Netflix crew are here. She buzzes them in. Waiting a few minutes then there is a bang at the door. She opens it up "Hey guys" she lets this crew of people into their flat suddenly it felt a lot smaller. Everyone introduces themselves. "You guys can store stuff in the spare room" she points the door closes to the kitchen "there's a bathroom in there as well you guys can use" Peep walks over to Mac putting his arm around her, kissing the top of her head as they watch their happy space get invaded with cameras and crew members.

"So just live your life as normal leading up to tour and we film. We will be conducting interviews throughout with you guys and friends" Ben smiles at them trying to make them feel at home with the situation. They get mic up.

"Ok we can do this" her and peep high-five. They go back to their previous conversation she shows Peep her laptop screen with the schedule on it. "So this is our time in NYC babe" she points to the break in the schedule while shoving chips into her mouth.

"Is that when we are seeing Mom?" Peep carries on eating her sandwich

She nods "yeah we have the show on Friday night. Staying in the city that night then on Saturday we going to Mamas untill Sunday night. We have to leave by like latest 8pm to make the next city in good time" she takes the sandwich out his hand taking a bite before handing it back to him.

"Yeah that sounds great baby. We got time for family meal then. I know Oskar is back that weekend as well" she nods her head as she eats "You truly out did yourself this tour. Is bex and Ryan coming?" She nods with chips in her mouth again.

"Yeah Bex is support baby" she smiles at him with a mouth full of food.

"Damn baby" he winks at her. He leans over the counter and kisses her. "What time is Chloe coming over?" Mac holds 8 on her hands as she takes the last bite of the sandwich. "We need to get ready" he kisses her again as she walks off to shower and getting ready for the night out. Mac dances around the apartment in her underwear to her bad bitches playlist. She laughs as Peep joins her in his underwear as well. She can see the Netflix crew laughing the at pair, they know they are in for a fun few months with these two.

LilPeep OMFG my wife 🥵🥵🥵

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LilPeep OMFG my wife 🥵🥵🥵

Tagged MacDaddy


MacDaddy my biggest hype right here. I love you ❤️

Chloe arrives with Bexey, Ryan and Ryan's new girlfriend Eva. When Chloe informs her that the child is going out tonight to same club they are. Mac is not happy about this but hopefully she won't be stupid enough to come up them and make any drama, Mac does not start drama but she will end it. Peep walks over to her without him evening needing to say anything she sticks out her tongue and he pops a pill on it, she swings it back with her wine and smiles showing him her empty mouth. She pops on his tongue and he does the same. They kiss, he whisper in her ear I Love You before going back to the conversation with the boys. The Netflix crew end for the night and head to their hotel that's when the real party starts, she grabs Chloe's hand dragging her into the bedroom where she racks up 4 lines from them both. She quickly sniffs them back rubbing the little bit of powder left over onto her gums.

"Are you gonna be ok tonight?" She asks Chloe as they all head to the club in an Uber.

"Yeah babe I'll be fine" she grabs her hand and squeezes it. Before Peep grabs the other and kisses it.

They reach the club entrance and head straight into in skipping the queues. One of Chloes friends from school owns the place and got them on VIP for the night. Clubs aren't really Peeps and Mac's scene but they wanted to make an effort for Chloes night. Peeps keeps his arms tightly around Mac's waist as they make they way through the club to their booth. Sitting on the couch Mac starts dancing on Peeps lap as she tries to hide from the bouncers as he does a bump of his keys. The night goes on drinks are flowing along with the drugs. Peep and Mac dances the night away together like old times. For the first time in a while all their worries just fade away and they enjoy the moment they are in. They all are having a fantastic time until she ruins it. The child comes over to the booth. Calling over Mac to the side.

"I think it's pretty shitty youre here with her. Why are you not talking to Mat?" She cannot believe she is having this conversation with her.

"Me and my brothers relationship is none of your business. You'll be irrelevant in 6 months hunny. You're a midlife crisis"

"I'm not going anyway sweetheart. I'm pregnant" Mac turns to her with a disgusting look on her face.

"I ain't your sweetheart and hunny those legs have been spread more time than butter I'm sure you don't know who the father is"

"I'm here for good. Get used to it"

Mac pulls her in closer " You are nothing but barely legal pussy you come near me, my husband or my friends again and I'll pound you into the ground. If my brother wants to fuck his life up on you then let him do it but I'll tell you now you won't receive any money or support from the family. Didn't he tell you? He's been cut off" she smirks at her.

"Are you threatening me?" The child asks disgusted in what she is hearing.

"I'm not threatening. That's a promise" the child punches Mac and throws a drink in her face before the bouncers can restrains her she throws a punch back, landing her on the floor.

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