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LilPeep HBD to my beautiful wife 😍your the love of my life now and in the next 50 lives

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LilPeep HBD to my beautiful wife 😍your the love of my life now and in the next 50 lives. I know we've been on tour for several weeks now and you miss our bed but we will be home soon! Thank you for giving me the best life ever. I couldn't do any of this without you. I love you and appreciate you so fucking much. More than you'll ever know but I'll show you every damn day ❤️💜❤️💜

Tagged MacDaddy


MacDaddy I love you baby! Thank you for our amazing life together 💜💜

"So I know we are not home but I did manage to get you a little something" he waves a little gift bag in front of Mac's face as the tour bus moves round Italy. Her eyes light up at the jewellery bag, opening it up her eyes fill with tear as she looks down at the simple yet more precious piece of jewellery she's ever seen.

"Baby I love it. Oh my god I love it so much. Help me put it on" she turns away from Gus as threads the necklace around her neck doing it up. Turning back to him she pulls his face towards her. "I love you" she kisses him

MacDaddy I don't think I've cried so much at a gift

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MacDaddy I don't think I've cried so much at a gift.  To you it may look like a simple necklace but to me this is most heartfelt gift ever. I have Gus around my neck forever, regardless where we are in the world I'll always have him with me. I love it so much 💜 I love you babyboy 💜

Tagged LilPeep


"You really love it baby?" He looks at her with those big browns she get lost in.

"I do baby. So much" she kisses him again and again again. Peep starts giggling under all the kisses. They fall on the bed together as he starts tickling her. "Stopppp" she calls out from under the laughs. Eventually Gus stops tickling her and they lay there cuddling, she strokes his hair and he lays on her chest. They watch the tv together. "Baby can just go home now?" She asks half joking half serious.

"Only like two more weeks baby. Then we can sleep in the new house" he sounds so excited for their new adventure. "And we can record all those songs we've written over the years" she starts rolling a splif over his head listening to all there future plans. It is her favourite thing to do, plan their future together and then go live it.


"Yes my love" he takes the zoot out of her mouth and sits up in bed.

"Do you think that we will raise our baby in this new house?" She try's to play the questions of as no big deal but she has barely spoken about having a new baby since Seattle. He knows this is a big deal but he doesn't want to spook her but making a big reaction to the question.

"Yes yes we will baby. The first two at lest" he winks at her

"The first two? How many babies we having boy? She jokes with him.

"An army" he winks at her pushing her down on to the bed, kissing down her neck she starts giggle. Peep gets down to her panties when there is a knock at the door.

"FUCK OFFF" she shouts giggling as Peep kisses over the top of her panties when there is another knock. Mac sighs as she opens the door looking up seeing Chase. "You have the worst timing. Yes?"

"Venue manager meeting" he points to the front door and walks off.

She sighs, picking up phone scrolling through notifications. "Hmmm that's strange" climbing up off the bed putting sweats pants on

"What is?" Gus carry's on smoking the zoot.

"I got like 4 missed calls from Mat. Oh well" she shrugs her shoulders, putting some perfume on "sorry baby gotta go do my job" she winks at him before blowing him a kiss as she leaves the bus. "I hate you Chase" she jokes with him as they meet the venue manager. Chase introduces them as they walk around. This venue is massive, she didn't realise how big it was when she booked it, there are still couple hundred tickets left. Let's hope by the time show time comes it looks full.

Gus gets ready for the nights show, like always he pulls her on stage without giving any prior warning to this. She is always nervous at the start but she gets right into and enjoys herself. The rest of tour fly's by and before they know it they are back home. Mac is ready to get into bed and sleep for a week but tomorrow they are moving into the new house. Not a lot of time for sleep. She falls onto their bed for the last time in this apartment. A small moan escapes her lips as the comfy mattress hit her. She is finally going to have a good night sleep for the first time in weeks. Peep lays down next to her, holding her hand, she moves next to him cuddling up to him. They just lay there cuddling, trying to fight off sleep but eventually they just give into the lack of it. Cuddling, sleeping, this is their happy place

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