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LilPeep I still can't believe there's half me, half you in there

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LilPeep I still can't believe there's half me, half you in there. Our own little peepkin. You always amaze me but you have go far beyond what I ever thought you could and what we could do together. I love you so much and I can't wait to meet our peepkin #pendingpeepkin

Tagged MacDaddy


Shaynay OMG YOU'RE HAVING A BABY🥺😭 can't believe I'm going to be a godmother. Our babies will be best friends and the friendship will continue on!

MacDaddy just assuming you're godmother 😉😉

Bexeyswan congrats guys! So happy for you❤️

MacDaddy I love you too boo! You've given me everything I wanted and more! I appreciate so fucking much ❤️

There first public announcement for their little one, as always Peep was dying to post it on social media but Mac was hesitant incase anything happened but she passed through her first trimester and the doctor gave the green light that all is well with the pregnancy, she's been having the cheeky zoot not as much as usual but just to stop the shakes. Her mum used to do it with her and Mat, they turned out just fine. She refuses to believe that she has a problem with smoking she just likes how it makes her feel.

MacDaddy still hasn't hit me that there half my favourite person and half me growing in there

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MacDaddy still hasn't hit me that there half my favourite person and half me growing in there. I love you baby thank you for giving me this opportunity #pendingpeepkin

Tagged LilPeep


LilPeep I love you so much baby! You've given the most amazing gift ever ❤️

MamaKarla congratulations you two! I'm so happy for you! It's been raining all week and it's just stopped. Malika is smiling down on you both ❤️ let me know when you're next in LA.

MickeyPickles congratulations. I'm so happy for you both. Love you two. Sorry for everything ❤️❤️
LilPeep and MacDaddy like this

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